Chapter 10

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A/N: The first part is "pure" smut so to those who don't want to read, scroll down until you see a line of Xs (XXXX)

Stefan had a great time in Florida but he was ready to get home. Bonnie and him had planned to spend the night together and all he could think was; finally! Her body teased him on its own and he felt like he was just going to explode. The thing that he was most excited about was how it was all going to go down. Was she going to cook for him or just slam him against the wall and circle her legs around his waist, and just thinking about it made him groan.

Bonnie on the other hand had everything already planned out. She was texting Caroline practically all day because she knew out of all of her friends, she was the freakiest.

It felt as if they haven't talked in years when it was really only a few months ago when they went to identify Stefan's shooter. She made a note that she should make a trip to Mystic Falls to have a girls day and maybe introduce Bella to Elena and Caroline.

When they got back they spent some time with Thomas before taking him over to Ms. Julia's. Bonnie decided on an early dinner so she wouldn't feel so bloated in her little outfit.

Candles were set as centerpieces on the table and since it was still pretty bright outside she closed the curtains and blinds and turned off the lights. She was dressed in a maids outfit that she got for a Halloween party she went to with Bella last year and sat Stefan down. His eyes were trailing her body and admired her ass in that little skirt as she walked to get the food off he stove.

"I don't think I can wait until after dinner." Stefan said sliding his hands up her legs as she sat on his lap.

"You have to or you won't see my outfit."

"There's another outfit?" Stefan practically wined making Bonnie laugh. "My balls are going to gotdamn explode."

"Eat up, we have a long night ahead of us."

Bonnie teased his lips with hers by kissing the sides of his mouth then getting up from his lap. Stefan reached out for her but she was too quick and wiggled free. He groaned and Bonnie smiled walking back into their room to change.

As Stefan places his fork down suddenly couldn't see. He was confused for a second, but realized that he was blindfolded.

"Follow me." Bonnie whispered in his ear then kissed it.

Stefan stood up and felt her hands running down his arms placing them on her hips. He felt lace and her smooth skin on his palms as she walked him back to their room. He was pushed on the bed and was instructed to move all the way back which he obeyed completely.

"Take off the blindfold."

Stefan fiddled with the ties until the knock was loose and he threw it to the side. His mouth dropped opened before biting his lip looking at his sexy girlfriend stand in the doorway.

"Hot damn." Was all that he could say.

Bonnie was dressed in barely anything. The piece was all red lace material that covered her crotch and crossed on her stomach coming up to cover her breasts. She did a 180 liked he asked and saw that the back was completely out and only her backside was covered.

"God I love you."

"You love me?" Bonnie asked walking slowly over to him.

"I haven't told you that before?" Bonnie shook her head and sat astride on his lap. "Well I do. I love you Bonnie Bennett."

"I love you Stefan Salvatore."

Stefan leaned in and kissed her running his hands along the length of her thighs repeatedly warming up her skin. When his tongue slid in her mouth, his hands went further grabbing her ass in his hands.

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