Chapter 8

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"I love you " What the hell did I just heard? Did he just confessed to me ? Unsure of what I heard I walk towards him and asked him " What did just said" ?

As I was seeking for his answers , I can hear his heart beats and I can see that his ears are red , my instincts is telling me to kiss him already and make him mine already , I move my face closer to him, ready to kiss him but someone suddenly knocks the door and he pushed me away .

That pushed freaking hurts but he runaway and leaving our classmate clueless so I just told him that I slipped . That Jinwoo how dare he runaway from me . You wont get away that easily from me , tomorrow is the contest so I know that he will show up .

What is this feeling? Even if I'm not sure of what I heard but it surely move my heart , Do I like him or I just love the feeling of being love ? But my instinct is telling me, its him that I that want now and I dont want him to taken away by someone .

Anyways the contest is finally beginning but I'm not excited at all except for the fact that I'm anticipating what would Jinwoo look like , as soon as he enters the room what I saw is an Angel , I know that its just a wig but he's really wonderful and dazzling , Crap I'm falling .

"What are you looking at"? Jinwoo asked me and I answered "You ....I'm looking at you , Hey when the contest is over will you tell me what you told me yesterday?" I saw him gulped and ignored me but I took his hand to make him stop from running away but when I looked at his face ... he's really blushing and without any thoughts I kissed him and walks towards the wall and this time I kissed him harder , He tapped my shoulder to stop me and told me "Jerk " and runaway .

I .... I kissed a guy and I love it . What Should I do? I really like him , If I win this contest I'll confess to him .

And so the contest started ..

To be continued .

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