Chapter 12

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I was a fool , its all my fault why ? Why did I say those words? I'm so crazy I was the one who pushed him away but I know that regretting it this time will not change anything .

Our sembreak starts with full of love , everyday, everytime we talk to each other but then seeing each other is not easy since our home is a miles away to each other .

3rd week of semester , this is when the things gets colder ... I wanted Jinwoo to call me everynight because I miss him so much but Jinwoo told me to call first since he's busy at home everynight taking good care of his mother.

But I guess I was being stubborn , I told him you can call me anytime , I'll wait for him , he told me okay but then a morning has come but he didn't call me and thats makes me sad .

A morning has come and all I received from him was a sorry without any reason so I guess it's my defense mechanism I became cold towards him , I didn't reply to him on time and rarely updates him .

2 days has passed and thats where everything has ended , he asked me for a real talk , actually my mind is still a mess , I'm still upset about that call but now he keep saying nonsense things and when things get out of control he asked me three question ,

" What are we? "
"What plans do you have for both of us"
"Do you still love me "

And all I ever said was " I dont know , I'm not sure " hoping that he will hold on to me and tell me how much he loves him but a painful reply is all I received .... " Then lets just end it "

And then when I blurted those hurtful words " Fine if that's all you want " , after that he didnt text anymore, days has passed , a week has passed and new semester has come ... a very painful semester .

To be continued .

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