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A new semester has begun , in reality I didn't really want to go to school at all , I'm scared .... I'm scared of meeting him . Our break up didn't end really well. I dont think I can face him .

Although the new semester has started but my feelings for him is still not ending , drown by sadness , Seungyoon finally noticed that I'm not okay , as a bestfriend he offered me to drink alcohol later but I'm not a drinker so I declined him .

The class ended , I'm glad that I didn't meet him at all , if I met him I would breakdown for sure , as I'm walking the road from the bus stop .. the memories of being with him made every step harder , the place , the road, the scenery every steps reminds me of him and before I knew it my tears has started to fall down.

A week has passed , Seungyoon and Seunghoon invited me to eat lunch with them at first I declined them because I'm scared that Mino might be with them but after confirming that its not , I decided to eat with them , I was on my way to them when suddenly ... a familiar face is coming at my way ... A face that I miss so much .. it's Mino ... My heart was beating so fast as he came closer to me but I can't afford to look at him , at his eyes , the eyes that always telling the truth and sincere , so I just pretended that I'm messaging someone and passed by him , I though I would breakdown before him , I can't believe that I cant look at him anymore , I cant believe that just meeting him like that hurts so much.

I really still love him , I want run back towards him and hug him and tell him that I was wrong, please come back to me but I know its too late , when something is broken such us , It can't go back anymore cause it wont be the same anymore.

I arrived the restuarant safely but as soon as I sat down , I cried so hard , too much that my beatfriend Seungyoon was shocked , he keeps asking me what wrong but I cant answer him , my painful heart is screaming it wants to cry out loud .

How can I move on ? How can I forget you when I'm still in love with you ? Just how many days do I have to suffer to overcome this ?

To be continued .

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