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It's been a long time since I felt his touch, its been a long time since I heard his voice this close , I mean its really been a long time and those are the words he's gonna say to me ? " Come back to him "

My mind just went to blank at that moment , I dont know what to say , what to react or what answer should I say . How can he just say those words to me like that?

Is it normal to say those words to someone you broke up a month ago?? Did you really think I would go back to you just like that ?? What about the explanation?? I dont understand anything thats happening right now.

So I just brushed him off and told him " What kind of nonsense are you saying now ? After all this time ? Stop interfering with my life anymore !" But he didn't bugde he spouted more nonsense word and sentences , he told me " was it because of him? Your Baby? "

" YOUR BABY?!?" What in the world is happening to him right now ? The more words he throws at me the more my head hurts , being misundertood like this boils my blood so I just told him that " Its none of your business right ? We got nothing to do with each other anyways " and walk away but he held my hands and told me softly and sincerely

" Jinu-ya, I really do still love you , Please .. come back "

His words is melting my heart , I want to run towards him and hug him tigthly and tell him that I feel the same way too but ... the pain that he left for me is still here right ... to my heart .

I let go of his hands and told him ... "Its done right ? Just stop playing with my heart anymore " and finally walk away .

As I'm walking .... I didnt notice that tears are falling down and I felt a backhug , a very warm and tight backhug .. its ..

To be continued.

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