Chapter 10

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"I love you , Will you go out with me ?" . Those words are keep repeating on my mind , I was suppossed to be the one confessing but he confessed to me first , I was shocked by his actions it left me speechless and before I knew it, he's not in front of me anymore , he runaway again .

What about my answer ? So I texted him and told him " Lets meet tomorrow , I have something to say " he didn't replied to me but I still came to the place that I told him to meet me and what a suprise is he's there , looking at the store's window and fixing his hair , he's so cute.

I greeted him with a "Yo" and yes just like I thought his suprised face is amusing , I told him to eat first and asked him where he would he like to eat and he told me that anything is fine.

So we just decided to eat samgyeopsal for the lunch and he started asking me a question " What it is, just be straight be with already , whats your answer ? " I wanted to tease him so I told him that " The truth is I just want to have a lunch date with you " he coughed from hearing my answer and his face is turning red , Oh damn he's so freaking cute I wanna hug him tight and never let go .

Our lunch ended and he told me that if thats all I want from him then he's going home but then I took his hands and told him that Its not done yet we still have a place to go . I took him into a cat petshop and what I saw is a guy who's eyes are sparkling and excited. Jinwoo loves cat he always brags it to seungyoon and I'm glad that I took him here and without hesistation I bring out my camera and captures everything.

Of course I love cats too , capturing them is really pleasing to my eyes since they are so beautiful and fluffy but today someone is more beautiful, Its Jinwoo , I cant help but love him even more .

An evening came , we didnt noticed that its late already and so Jinwoo said that he's going home already, I told him that I will escort him but he brushed me off saying he can go home alone , he was about to get on when I covered his eyes and whispered to his ears " I love you too, Take Care " .

And of course I walked fast to hide my embarrassement , confessing is really a neckbreaking moment but then I looked back and saw him blushing from face to ears , I want to go back to him and hug him but then he already ride the taxi .

My phone suddenly rings and a message came through its Jinwoo , " You're unfair ! Take care too , I love you "

To be continued.

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