ending note

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hoes, this is the end of the book. omg it's been such an amazing journey.

i want to thank of you lovely readers who vote and comment, and even you silent readers. your support is what motivated me to continue writing.

i love you all, don't forget that! like honestly, i don't care if i have never even seen y'all in person, i am so gay for you with all my whole ass heart.

i honestly can't let go of these characters, they mean so much to me. they mean late friday nights, bags of junk food, and a certain girl's mind running with gay thoughts.

never forget to love who you want to fucking love and never forget to love yourselves.

this book will be missed, but remember, hueningkai and yeonjun will always be gay for one another.

lots of love and kisses ♡

homophobic ; yeonkai⚣Where stories live. Discover now