"Happy birthday Les"

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Isabella's POV

I sat in the tree, waiting. Leslie always sits under this tree and hums to himself. He creates the most beautiful tune. I could listen to it all day. He started walking over so I made myself hidden from him. He started humming like every other day, but it wasn't any old day, it was his birthday and I needed to be the first to remind him of that. He started humming. That was my cue.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LES!!" I shouted as I swung down from the tree. He immediately jumped up in surprise and I just giggled.

Before he had chance to say anything, I dragged him back to the house. He looked at me sceptically, before seeing Mama with his mandolin.

The look on his face is something I'd never forget. His beautiful, ocean eyes were wide with shock and excitement, tears threatening to fall. His mouth was slightly open, trying to string together a sentence, but all that cold form were incoherent sounds of joy.

Music was his passion and we had just given him an outlet for his magnificent tune.

In those few seconds, my chest got tight and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Everything about Leslie, suddenly became fascinating. As he started playing, for the fist time, I focused on how elegantly his fingers strummed the instrument. He looked wonderfully focused as he figured out the notes and started putting together simple melodies. I was completely entranced by it.

"... IZZY! ISABELLA!!" Leslie was shouting, in a tone that almost sounded worried. Why would he be worried? It's not like anything is wrong. Maybe I just got it wrong.

"Yeah?" I questioned still confused on why he was shouting.

"Iz! Don't zone out on me like that! You scared me!" He playfully nudged my arm and my arm started feeling weird. What's going on with me today? Maybe I need to get Mama to take a look at me in the infirmary.

"Sorry! Sorry! I think I'm just getting a bit of a cold. I'll get Mama to check me out later." I tried to keep my composure but my cheeks were on fire. I can't let him see me like this. He'll definitely be worried now!

"No. We're going now. Look you're feverish! You'll just get worse staying out here." I tried protesting but he was already dragging me over to where Mama was with the other children. She told us to wait in the infirmary so Les dragged me there and the whole way fireworks were shooting up my arm. I guess that it's a good thing. This can't keep happening!

"I'm so sorry Les! I've ruined your birthday with what's probably just a stupid cold!" I'm on the verge of tears and am beyond cross with myself. Why did it have to be today of all days? Stupid! Stupid!

Then the unexpected happened. I thought he had already left to go and enjoy his birthday. He didn't. He was hugging me. All of the feelings of fireworks, tingling, butterflies, tightness in my chest and hot cheeks came at once. The feelings all got so much worse when I heard those words come out of his mouth...

"I don't care. I'm with you so it's an amazing day."

~I'll see your face again~ IsabellaxLeslie AUWhere stories live. Discover now