"It's her... It's really Is"

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Leslie's POV

I couldn't believe it. I was only running late to meet Din. She'd kill me if I told her why.

I'd been messaging her all afternoon. Sent. Received. Not seen. I even phoned her a few times. It rang out every time. I was hoping that she'd just left her phone at home.

I made it to the cafe 15 minutes late, looking like I was dragged through a hedge backwards. I could feel the heat in my face and my hair stick to my forehead. I probably smelled terrible too.

I heard a faint "excuse me," from behind. I turned to see her. She was beautiful. She had long black hair, with light waves like she'd just taken it out of a bun and even in an apron, I could tell she'd be just as beautiful in anything. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she continued, "are you here to meet Dina?"

That was when I noticed the logo on her apron, 'Our Little Owls'. My mind raced with possibilities. Most of my thoughts were about not being able to lose her. I'm pretty sure I blurted out my worries but that memory is foggy.

"She's fine. Her phone died so she couldn't text you. She's having to babysit tonight. That's why I'm here," she was saying it in a calming tone. It made me instantly relieved. Before I could thank her, she was turning away. I got a glimpse at her eyes. They Isabella's but she didn't recognise me.

Before I knew it, I was at home in bed, checking the news surrounding my parent's business trip. I only saw articles about them being loved up, my dad signing a new singer and how much they wanted to take me with them. Same as always.

Ding! A text from Din. I thought something was a bit odd earlier when she told Isabella her phone died even though she received every text I sent her. The text confirmed my suspicion, reading "she's exactly like the girl you talk about! Maybe she can help you get over her."

I was dumbfounded. She was trying to set me up with Isabella. I typed, in haste, "Isabella is perfect in every way. I would love to see her again" forgetting that she never actually told me her name. I was too shocked to care.

It's her... It's really her.

Later that night, I got a series of texts from Din. She was asking if it went well, then presuming that it did because I knew her name. The texts kept going like that until I'm guessing she either passed out or her girlfriend got sick of it and took her phone.

The whole of the next day, I couldn't concentrate at all on the demo I'm making for Xander. It's frustrating because he needs one to be able to sign me. I kept messing up because I could only think of seeing Is again.

I went down to the nursery after a few hours because I knew there wouldn't be any children left. I hadn't had a background check so I couldn't be there with the children.

By the time I got there, Isabella had already left. To say I was disappointed, was an understatement but I still got to see Din.

We went back to her place because her girlfriend wanted to cook for me. Elly's a trained chef so Din is always hyping up the food. The evening was spent clearing up all the misunderstandings about Is.

I could barely believe she'd working for Din since she left the house. I mean what are the chances? Thinking about it, I shouldn't be surprised. She was always helping Mama with the babies. Isabella always had the kindest heart. I'm glad she didn't change.

~I'll see your face again~ IsabellaxLeslie AUWhere stories live. Discover now