"I give up!"

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Isabella's POV

I've been working for a few of years and not everything has been going to plan. I haven't found Leslie yet and if it wasn't for Dina, I probably would've stopped looking ages ago.

"Is! I need your help!" speak of the devil. I walked into the nursery to find her with one of the children. He's one of Dina's favourite kids, probably because he's the son of a close friend. "Is, I need you to meet my friend and tell him that I'm babysitting tonight. I'd text him but my phone died. Please? Otherwise he'll be waiting at the cafe all night!"

She never charges her phone but I reluctantly agreed. Sometimes I wonder why she even has a phone.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by one of the younger children crying. It was her first day here and she was not enjoying it. These days are never fun for anyone. Once one starts, they all start. Luckily, my experience in the house taught me how to calm down these situations.

Once that was sorted, the rest of the day was calm. We were waiting for the last few parents to come for the 5pm pick up.

Once they left, it was time for me to meet up with Dina's friend. She told me to look for a guy with 'short purple hair'. That shouldn't be too had because the only other person I'd met with purple hair was Leslie. It'll be simple right? I just walk in tell him that Dina is sorry that she can't make it and leave.

I walked into the cafe and it was fairly empty. I couldn't see him so I ordered a tea togo while I waited.

After about 10 minutes, a guy shot through the door. His face was bright red and he was panting like he ran a marathon. He was as Dina described but there was a familiarity to his face. He was stunning, like a movie star or the lead of a famous band. I was almost intimated to go over and talk to him.

"Excuse me," I almost whispered to him. He definitely heard me though because he looked at me with an 'how can I help you' smile on his face. He's starting to remind me a bit of Leslie. I shook the thought from my head before continuing "are you here to meet Dina?"

His face shifted from a smile to almost crying. He looked frantic. "Is she okay? I haven't been able to contact her! She's not hurt is she?" His eyes were full of pain. It almost made me want to cry myself. In that moment, my mind went back to the day that Leslie left. I felt the same back then.

I spoke up, partly to stop him worrying and partly to stop my thoughts taking me back to that that time. I told him the situation and saw the relief on his face before going home.

That was the day I gave up. I realised that Leslie was probably happy in his new life. Seeing how much Dina's friend reminded me of him and how happy he was. It made me notice that my goal was selfish.

I decided to tell Dina. She was amazing through my journey so she deserved to be the first to know. I sent her 2 texts before going to sleep...

"He's probably happy without me"

"I give up"

~I'll see your face again~ IsabellaxLeslie AUWhere stories live. Discover now