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AN: Small note before I start this book. I just wanted to thank my absolutely incredible sister lottie16
She helped me so much with this book. I love you so much Lot! ❤️

AN2: If you enjoy this please consider following me on here or Instagram (dragonproteccriren). I recommend yaoi!

All I knew was fear.

That was until I met Mama. She isn't my real mum but I love her like she is. I currently live with her and 37 other orphans at Grace Field house.

Most of us get adopted by the time we're 18. Those of us who don't have to leave the house anyway. Mama is really nice about it though. She helps the 17 year olds find jobs. They go out often to see if they can find work.

Oops! Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Isabella. I'm currently 11 and no one has had an interest in adopting me yet. It doesn't bother me though. I have my family and my best friend.

My best friend is Leslie. He's going to be 11 soon. I shouldn't be telling you this but I convinced Mama to buy him a mandolin. It was difficult but I'd do anything for him!

~I'll see your face again~ IsabellaxLeslie AUWhere stories live. Discover now