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Isabella's POV

Everyday in the house without him feels wrong. Every time foster parents come in I hope that I'm next. It's getting less and less likely every day.

It's been 5 years since Leslie left. Now that I'm 16 I doubt that anyone will adopt me. They always want the younger ones and always ignore us older ones.

"Isabella!" I heard mama call from the house. I was on the other side of the forest so I ran as fast as I could to get to her.

"Y-yes, Mama" I panted out from running so much. She doesn't usually interrupt our free time so I can't help but wonder what's wrong.

"I know that you still dearly miss Leslie." Just the mention of his name made me want to cry at this point. "That's why I'm sending you out to find a job early. I know you'll be happier when you have the opportunity to find him again. I'll send you out starting tomorrow." Finally! I get to see the outside world again. I get the chance to find my Leslie. I hugged mama and ran off to prepare to find a job.

I don't know what type of job I want. Mama said that I'm really smart so maybe something like medicine? No. I can't stand seeing people hurt. Ummmm..... Maybe teaching? Yeah I like children. I'd love to be like Mama. She's my role model so it makes sense. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to look for a teaching job and then start looking for Les.

I couldn't sleep the whole night. I got ready with the 17 year olds that morning. There was only a total of 4 of us going. The others had already found jobs and left.

I was nervous as we walked through the gate. We got into a car, driven by a friend of Mama's, and we were off to the city.

I looked out of the window the whole way there. The rolling hills slowly turned to houses and the houses to tower blocks. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before.

We were let out and I went looking for nurseries. I found loads but most weren't looking for employees or were looking for people to fill more teacher like roles. Finding a job was harder than I thought and I doubted that I'd be able to find anywhere. That was until I came across 'our little owls'. The owner, Dina, was lovely and practically gave me a job on the spot.

I'm coming to find you now, Leslie. I'm keeping my promise....

~I'll see your face again~ IsabellaxLeslie AUWhere stories live. Discover now