"Be more responsible!"

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Leslie's POV

"Din stop dragging me around! You're the adult here, be more responsible!" I shouted as my ex babysitter and current best friend, ran into yet another game shop. I bet she just wants an excuse to play video games in my room. I looked over to see her scanning over the games knowing that she's just thinking 'played that, played that, don't like that series' and so on.

She turned to me and said "but Les this is going to be fun! Plus you've finished school and you've got until September with college, have some fun!" before turning back to the games. You wouldn't believe that she's 23 and I'm the 16 year old.

I decided, when I left school, that I'd go to college and study music. Xander has been asking me to join his label since he adopted me and I'm finally going to do it next year.

Din ran over, waddling like a puppy. "LES!! If I get this, can I play it on your console? Pleeeaaasee??" I replied with a simple 'no' before she continued "awww Les! Come on! I'll let you name the nursery!" She had just finished saving for and brought herself a nursery. She had been rambling about it for absolutely ages.

I decided to give into her, purely because I have the perfect name for it. "Fine but you're not crashing on the floor again." She went to protest but decided against it.

My parents work, a lot. It means that I don't get a lot of time with them. That's why they hired Dina. She is basically a second mum to me. They hired her as a live in nanny but she recently moved out to live with her partner.

We went back home so she could play her game while I continued writing music. I stayed in the music room, strumming guitar and mulling over lyrics. Every time I go to write lyrics, my mind is full of one person.


~I'll see your face again~ IsabellaxLeslie AUWhere stories live. Discover now