Chapter 1

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Billie is the position she is irl here, a sub/bottom. Stop reading if you don't like that, don't leave any comments or opinions about her position, it's annoying. :) note 29/09/2021

"Dreams, they come a long way, not today."

Ashley POV

My boots clicked on the floor as I was walking around my office. I watched as everyone tried their best to make themselves look professional. Some were typing, others were drawing new designs.

I'm the CEO of Turbo, a really popular clothing brand. My dad use to run this company, but he retired so he gave me the responsibility to run it.

Running a billionaire company at my age, alone, is really stressful. You have to travel a lot, go to numerous meetings and interviews. I have to do most of my things on my own. It has been so stressful, even my hair is falling out.

Since my dad was worried about me, he asked my secretary to arrange a sign up for a new assistant. When he told me that I was so mad, I broke my desktop. I've been doing everything by myself for five years, I don't need a stupid assistant to help me with my work.

And they arranged it behind my back, I almost fired my secretary for doing that.

I walk in to my secretary's office to see her applying lipstick while looking in the mirror. She didn't notice my presence until I cleared my throat. When she saw me, she dropped her mirror.

"So instead of writing my email to Donatella, you're here applying makeup." I said shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Collins. I'm already working on it. I just got a little distracted." She said nervously.

I rolled my eyes and walked to where she was sitting, she quickly stood up and sat on the chair infront of her desk. As I sat down, I intertwined my fingers infront of me and looked at computer to see that she was almost done with the email.

Donatella Versace has requested a collaboration with the brand about a month ago. I was in doubt but I accepted her offer, knowing that this would be a big deal to the company.

"So are the people here?" I asked.

"Yes, Ms. Collins. They are in the waiting room." She said nervously.

I stand up and say. "Let's do this shit, now, so it can end early." Making my way to my office as she follows me to make her way to the waiting room.

I opened the door of my office and took a seat on my chair.

I sighed and waited for the peasants to start coming in.

Billie POV

I ran my hand through my hair letting out a loud sigh. My dad just called telling me that i need a job.

He said "Billie, you're almost eighteen. I'm not going to keep giving you money. You need to do something with your life. You can't keep living with your brother forever." And i totally agree with him but i wish that he didn't make this decision now.

I decided to live with my brother because my parents are never home, and he moved out a couple years ago and it hasn't been the same anymore. We have so much fun together, so I decided to live with him.

I'm pretty spoiled, my dad gave me everything i wanted growing up. So for me to work is going to be really hard.

I was on my computer searching for jobs when Finneas entered the living room eating a burrito.

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