Ch1: Help

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Future Rogue's pov

I opened my eyes, expecting to see the dark, destroyed land of Fiora but instead I woke up to mildly destoryed buildings, something that could be prepared. "Has the future been changed?" I asked. I felt a sticky substance on my stomach and looked down, seeing a deep wound in my abdomen.

I looked around but found nothing that would help with my injuries. "I might just die now if I can't movve from here. I won't be safe for long from Acnologia?" I grumbled to myself,trying to stand by supporting my weight onto the wall next to me.

"Hey. You really shouldn't be walking about on your own with an injury like that. I don't know if those dragons are gone but with these buildings being so unstable, you could be crushed or break something" a girl with pale purple hair advised me, walking over.

She was wearing a blue turtleneck with navy jeans and had a satchel slung over her shoulder. She didn't look like someone who was hiding from Acnologia. "What year is this?" I asked, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.

"It's X791. Did you suffer a hit to the head. If your experiencing trauma then you definitely shouldn't be here" she told me walking over and cheeking my head. "Your head is bleeding. You must be suffering from head trauma too. Here. Come with me and I'll heal you up" she told me, removing her hands from my head, small droplets of scarlet blood on her fingertips as she wrapped my arm around her shoulders and started to lead me away from wherever I was.

I looked around and through gaps in buildings, I could see guilds celebrating the defeat of the dragons. I looked back at this girl who came up to my shoulder. Then again, I had grown a few inches in the 7 years since this year. She led me far away from Crocus to a small cottage in the middle of a clearing surrounded by trees.

The clearing was covered in different coloured flowers and the grass was a nice bright green. There was a medium sized rock pool that could fit a few people in. Water flowed into it from a small rock waterfall that led off into the forest to a river most likely. Bits of steam could be seen rising from the pool which indicated it was hot.

The cottage was painted a creamy white colour with flowers on the windows and around the door. I was amazed by this small clearing. It had been so long since I'd seen such greenary. Everything in my future was just bland browns, all plants having died off. I always took this kind of stuff for granted but when your used to the same brown colour, it's a nice refresher to see some colour from nature.

The woman led me into her house and sat me on an armchair. It had soft fabric and some nice cushions with a knitted blanket over the back of it. "What's your name? Mine is Ake Echofall" she introduced, standing on a stool to get something from a shelf.

"R-Rogue. Rogue Cheney" I replied. I expected her to call me out, say that I looked too different to be Rogue but she didn't. "That's an odd name. I've never met someone called Rogue. Were you a mischievous child and that's why your parents called you Rogue?" she asked, a slight laugh in her voice.

I blinked in surprise. She walked over with a medical kit and looked at me. "Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I need you to lift up your shirt. I won't be able to treat your wound if you don't" she apologised, sitting down on a footrest.

I lifted up my top and adjusted it so it wouldn't fall down while she was tending to the wound. She got a wet cloth and started to clean away the blood, some of it having hardend from the long walk. I gritted my teeth and gripped onto the arm of the chair.

She looked at me with apologetic eyes when she took the cloth away and I could open my eye again. "Were you in crocus tto help defeat those dragons. You seeem to keep in good health" she stated, pouring Iodine onto a cotton pad.

"Umm........ Yeah. I was in crocus to defeat them. But how did you know about the dragons?" I asked. "I went into Crocus to get some more tea since a lot of people like drinking tea when recovering for some reason. At least the people I treat do so I go through it quite fast. I went into town and there were dragons everywhere. I almost got killed by one of the mini ones too and I got a weird flash of one of them killing me after it jumped on top of me" she replied.

My heart broke at that. 'This person was so sweet and kind and she almost died because of my actions' I thought. My thoughts were interrupted by a stinging pain in my abdomen as Iodine was dabbed onto the wound.

"So you use magic right?" she asked once she had dabbed the iodine on my wound. "Y-yeah. I use magic" I replied. "You mages are always so careless with your bodies. Never think about the rebound affect once your adrenaline for a fight has worn off" she joked.

"You treat mages?" I asked. "I treat criminals who are too afraid to seek medical treatment after or while breaking the law and those who can't afford to pay medical bills to the hospital" she explained. "So your a doctor" I asked out.

"No. I'm more of a healer then a doctor. I don't have all that fancy equipment that hospitals have. I relay on old fashioned techniques rather then the fancy new stuff" she explained, bandaging my wound.

She then checked my head and cleaned that before wrapping it in bandages. "I suggest serious rest until you've recovered. You can stay here until then. I only have one room so do you mind sleeping on the couch?" she asked.

"I don't mind but you don't have to be so kind to me" I explained. "Why. Your injured. Everyone deserves equal medical treatment. No one should be afraid to seek out this treatment. No matter who they are or what they've done. That's why I do this" she explained.

"Might I ask why you decided to become a healer?" I asked. She turned to me then smiled. "I struggled with finances as a kid so medical treatment wasn't very common for my family. We learned how to treat our own injuries" she explained.

Although she was smiling, there was sadness behind that smile. I frowned as she grabbed a couple of pillows and placed them on the couch, guiding me over to it. She gave me a blanket and walked to a door. It's best if you rest now. It's already past midnight" she explained, turning the light off and going to another room.

I sighed and closed my eye. 'Maybe this is just a dream. If it is, it was a very nice one' I thought, drifting off to sleep.

Bland Future Or Bright Present(A Future Rogue X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now