Ch10: Casual Morning

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A lot of what's going on right now is fluff and padding to fill up the time. I should get to the bit where it gets serious soon. Just give it a bit.

Also I'm skipping ahead a few months so just letting you know

Future Rogue's pov

I stood in the kitchen, making some breakfast. Ake was currently asleep in the bedroom and I wanted to surprise her with breakfast.

"Why don't you just kill her. She's sleeping and she'll never know. Just stop her air circulation and let her die" the shadow whispered. I did my best to ignore it, concentrating on something else.

I didn't want to be possessed again. I hurt Ake the last time. I didn't want to do that again. It kept whispering things to me since then, trying to coax me into killing her.

Ake was always there to comfort me. I'd tell her about my nightmares or how the shadow was whispering in my ear. She'd soothe me, running one hand through my hair, while running her fingers over my hand, placing gentle kisses on my forehead.

She was the reason I wanted to fight against the shadow. I'd found the thing that would keep me sane and I couldn't lose her. Especially not at my own hands.

I stayed in the house mostly. It wouldn't end well if I was seen in town. However Ake did bring the paper back for me. I wanted to keep up with events.

The time for Frosch's demise was drawing near. I knew that. I'd already seen the article from when Sting was annoyed that he wasn't featured in sorcerer weekly after saving Yukino which was soon followed by the two of us having a falling out over him eating the flower that Frosch hhad given me after I bleeched his suit.

I hoped that Natsu could save Frosch. It would be better for everyone if he didn't die. "Rogue? Are you alright?" A sleepy voice asked. I turned around to see Ake, rubbing one eye to get sleep out of it, hair a mess.

"No. Everything's fine. I was just making breakfast. I wanted to surprise you" I laughed, rubbing the back of my head. "Aww. Your so sweet" she smiled, hugging me.

I blushed. "You kept your hair down today" she smiled. "Well I just got up so yeah" I joked. "I like it when you leave your hair down. It looks cute" she smiled.

"Maybe I'll wear my hair down more often then" I thought aloud, pulling some strands of the white locks so that I could see them. Ake smiled. "That would be great" she smiled, still hugging me.

I ran my hands through her hair for a while before picking up on the smell of smoke. "Rogue, the food is smoking" Ake stated. "Oh shit" I swore, turning around and taking the pan off the stove, trying to move the bacon around so that it wouldn't stick to the pan.

"Dammit. I messed up" I mumbled. "Don't worry about it. I nearly burnt my entire kitchen because I forgot that I had food cooking" Ake laughed. I sighed.

"Well that makes me feel better. Its nice to know that I'm not the only one who burns food. Then again, I wouldn't let Sting cook since he's a terrible cook and would either poison everyone or burn the place down" I laughed, remembering what Sting was like.

Ake laughed too before helping me f the food so that we could eat.

Bland Future Or Bright Present(A Future Rogue X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now