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Future Rogue's pov

I had no idea how far I ran using my shadows but I was exhausted after abouut 15 minutes. I hadn't been using my magic for so long so I was out of practise.

I leaned back against a fallen tree and pulled my legs up to my face. She was dead and it was all my fault. If she hadn't gotten involved with me then she wouldn't be dead. I bit down on my lip hard, drawing blood which I tasted but I didn't care. If anything, I deserved all of the pain I got. I killed Sting. I killed tons of my friends. I killed Ake.

Sometimes I felt like all this pain was too much but its not. I deserve every bit. "Come on Rogue. Just accept me already. Its your destiny" the shadow hissed. "Shut up. I don't want your stupid destiny" I cried, not lifting my head up. I couldn't fall to the darkness. Not again. It wouldn't be what Ake would want.

I sat there, crying into my knees for I don't even know how long when I heard someone. "Eh.....other Rogue?" They asked. I snapped my head up to look at the speaker, seeing Sting.

"Stay back. I might hurt you" I told him. "Kill him Rogue" the shadow whispered. "I told you to shut up" I growled, turning to face it. It smirked at me while I just gave it a cold glare.

"Can we talk?" Sting asked. I turned back to him. "Why?" I asked, looking for any sign of him attacking me. He slowly knelt down, eyes going to one side. I guessed that meant that there was someone else here. Probably incase I attacked.

"Your my friend" he stated although it sounded more like he was questioning it. "I'm the future version of your friend. I've killed you and many other people in my time and I'm supposed to be back there. In fact I shouldn't even exist anymore but I'm still here" I corrected.

He looked me over. "You look like you've been through a lot" he stated. I furrowed my eyebrows. He clearly wanted to take me to get locked up so what was he waiting for.

He held out his hand. I looked at it suspiciously before noticing a wrapped up piece of cloth. I took it and slowly unwrapped the cloth.

I looked at what was inside and my heart practically soared. It was Ake's necklace. She was alive. "How?" was all I could manage out.

"Rogue..... Um..... Our Rogue saved her. If it hadn't been for him and Wendy then she would have died" he explained. "I would like to thank them" I stated.

"It's OK. He's not going to hurt anyone" Sting yelled. "I knew there was someone else there. You wouldn't just look to the side without something being there" I stated.

He smiled sheepishly and put a hand behind his head before pushing himself up. "You caught me. Now let's get back. She's waiting for you and is very worried" he stated. I stood up and looked at Sting.

"Woah. You've gotten taller" Sting stated in surprise. "I'm 7 years older than you" I stated. He laughed. "Guess I'm not used to it" he stated before taking lead. I followed, glad that Ake was alive.

Bland Future Or Bright Present(A Future Rogue X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now