Ch7: Present Rogue

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Future Rogue's pov

I woke up to a cold feeling. I opened my eyes. I was on the couch, the blanket wrapped around me. That's when I remembered what happened last night.

I'd gotten possessed, attacked Ake but then I helped heal her injuries, she kissed me and then we confessed and we cuddled on the couch for the night. That's when it hit me. Ake wasn't there. Had that all been a dream. I looked around. No, the place was still trashed, the only thing that wasn't flipped over anymore was the couch which, after a lot of effort from both of us, we'd managed to get the right way around.

I sat up and sniffed the air for Ake's scent. It was stale. I started to panic inside. Did something happen to her during the night. My panic disappeared when she walked in through the door, a crutch helping to support her.

"I'm glad your alright" I sighed in relied. "Yeah. Sorry for disappearing like that. I had to get some things to help fix up the house. I also picked up a paper" she stated, handing me the newspaper.

I looked at it and read the headline aloud. "Fairy tail disbanded after tartaros attack" I read. "That's the really popular guild that destroy's everything right?" she asked. "Yeah" I replied.

"Yeah. Apparently the fighting was so bad that their guild Hall was destroyed and magic was almost wiped out of existence" shee explained. I just stared at the paper. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Everything is going exactly how it did in my future. I told Natsu to protect Frosch in a year's time but I don't know if he'll be able to do that" I explained. "Who's Frosch?" Ake asked.

"He was my partner. He's a cat that always thought he was a frog. He was killed one year from now and that's how I lost all control over my shadow and became one with it" I explained.

Ake pulled me into a hug and I accepted, burying my face into her neck. "What guild were you in before.... That?" she asked. "Sabertooth. Why?" I asked. "Oh no reason" she stated.

"I need to go get a few more things so just wait here. If you really did what you said, I don't think people will want you to see you" she explained. I nodded.


Ake's pov

I walked around the neighbouring town that I had been told Sabertooth was in. I was looking for the building and eventually came in front of aa tall building with a tiger statue outside it.

"This must be the place" I muttered to myself. I walked into the building and looked around. People were having fun all over, drinking beer and yelling about stuff. I looked around. "Can I help you?" someone asked which startled me and I jumped back slightly.

A spiky blond looked at me with confusion. "Ugh yes. I'm looking for a Rogue Cheney. Is he here?" I asked. "Oh. Yeah. He's over there" the blond stated, pointing over to a caped man sitting at the bar.

I nodded in thanks and walked over. "Hello" I greeted. He turned to look at me and I smiled. I finally saw what he looked like. He had that same fringe thatt my Rogue had and one red eye that was showing with a small scar over the bridge of his nose.

"Is something wrong?" he asked. "I just wanted to tell you something important" I explained. He seemed confused but intrigued. I looked to the counter where a green cat with a pink frog costume was sitting.

"Protect him. He's important" I explained, pointing at the cat. Rogue was confused but I didn't let him ask any more questions. I just made a break for it as fast as I could with a crutch and hid for a few minutes incase someone came after me.

Once I knew it was safe, I walked around town again. I had to get some shopping anyway. While walking around, I passed a pet shop which had a lone kitten in the window. He was mostly white with patches of black on him and he was curled up in a corner on his own.

I got an idea and entered the shop. "Excuse me. How much is the kitten in the window?" I asked. "Oh. That little guy. He's 3000 jewel. He was 5000 but no one really wants him. He's pretty mean for a kitten" the guy explained.

"May I have a look at him?" I asked. The guy shrugged and brought the kitten out who objected. He put him in my arms and the cat looked up at me. I smiled.

"Wow. That's the calmest he's been with anyone" the guy explained. "I'll take him" I stated. He nodded and started to show me what to get for him. 'This little guy would make a great companion for Rogue' I thought.

Bland Future Or Bright Present(A Future Rogue X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now