Ch5: Shadow

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Future Rogue's pov

I sat in the living room, looking at my feet. I felt like an idiot. I had tried to tell Ake how I felt and I got blocked by the freezer. The damm freezer. I ran my hands through my hair which I had taken out of its pony tail and was currently a mess.

While I was thinking of how much of an idiot I was, tthe door knocked. "I'll get it. You just stay put ok Rogue" Ake explained. I stayed where I was as Ake opened the door.

A pretty buff man stood there, clutching his arm like it was hurt and a red substance dropped through his fingers.

"Oh my. Come in. I'll get that healed up" she explained. The man came in and she had him sit on the arm chair. I looked at his so called injury and sniffed. It was blood but I still didn't buy his act.

Ake patched up the injury and mumbled to herself. She walked over to a cubboard and pulled out a sleeping bag. "I hope the floor's alright. I don't want Rogue sleeping on the floor because he has some very serious injuries that could be made worse if he was to sleep on the floor" Ake explained, placing the sleeping back on the floor with a duvet underneath it and a pillow.

"Sure thing sweetheart" he agreed. "Well I'm going to go sleep. Its getting late. You boys behave" she explained, walking into her room and closing the door.

Withen seconds of her closing the door, I was smacked in the back of the head so hard that it knocked me off the couch and onto the floor, my chin colliding with the coffee table.

"Listen here weirdo. I know who you are. Your the guy who brought those dragons to Crocus. It seems that the girl who lives here doesn't know that. If you don't want me to tell her who you really are then you better do as I say without objection" he told me, standing over me.

I was getting mad but I had to restrain my anger. I didn't say anything. "You'll start by sleeping on the floor and I get the couch" he snapped at me.

I once again said nothing to object. He settled himself down on the couch as I tried to get comfortable on the makeshift bed on the floor.

"Wanna know something. I'm going to get that chick. She'd make a perfect housewife. She seems like a good cook and cleaner" he laughed. My blood began to boil. I was getting so mad at this guy. Did he even realise how powerful I am?

"Just kill him. You don't need him or that girl. You can just become one with me again and we can rule this miserable country" an all too familiar voice laughed. My blood turned cold and chills ran up my spine. 'Shadow. But how. Didn't I merge with it years ago. It shouldn't be here' I thought.

It kept whispering things into my ear. Eventually I had enough and I got up, supporting myself on the arm of the chair. Once my eyes rested on that guy again, all my anger towards him returned.

He wanted to steal Ake from me. He didn't even care about her. He was somme bastard that was blackmailing me into doing as he said so that Ake wouldn't find out what I'd done.

I was getting so angry that I didn't even notice the shadows that were surrounding me. Suddenly my vision turned black.



hen I woke up, I wass kneeling on the ground, panting heavily. I looked at my hands and my eye widened. Blood stained them all the way up to my elbows.

I looked around. I was in the middle of the living room but the place was trashed. The furniture had been flipped over and blood was splashed on the floors and walls. There was even some on the roof.

I looked over and saw the guy. He was lying in a puddle of blood and his injuries were most definitely caused by my magic attacks. I looked over to Ake's bedroom door which was swung open.

Laying on the floor, curled in on herself next to the door was Ake. I stumbled onto my feet and walked over. My legs were shaking so bad that I fell to the floor not far from her.

"Ake?" I asked, reaching one hand out to place it on her shoulder. Her clothes were badly torn in different places and cuts were on the exposed skin. Blood oozed out of all the wounds and I even noticed a few bruises.

Ake lifted her head slightly and looked at me, body trembling. "Is it you Rogue?" she asked, looking at me with tears in her eyes. Five long distinct scratch marks sat on her left cheek and I knew what caused those.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my hands trembling. "Is it you or is it still the other you?" she asked. "It's me. I don't remember what happened though" I explained.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked. She nodded and wiped her eyes. "Well-" she began.

Bland Future Or Bright Present(A Future Rogue X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now