Ch15: Reunion

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Ake's pov

I had my head placed on the other Rogue's lap. He was running his hands through my hair, trying to keep me calm and probably distract me from the pain I was feeling.

"Is he back yet?" I asked. "He'll be back soon. I promise" Rogue whispered. I tried to tilt my head to the side but he gently moved it back to stare straight up.

"Stay calm. Everything will be alright. Everyone has been taken out. There is no reason for him to not come back" Rogue told me. I was going to say something when I felt a pain shoot through my injury as I took a sharp breath.

"Sorry" someone apologised. I flicked my gaze over to the entrance, trying to see my Rogue but I didn't see him. I looked back up at the Rogue who sat with me.

He was still trying to keep me calm. He was so much like my Rogue. I could see how they were the same person even if they looked different and one didn't have the emotional baggage that the other did.

I started to hear rushed footsteps and tried to look at what was approaching but my head was kept in place. "Rogue?" I asked. "Sting. What are you rushing for?" the Rogue that sat with me asked.

"The other you wanted to know her status. How is she doing?" this Sting panted. "She's doing good. I've done my best to heal her injury, now all that needs to be done is rest. It's vital that she doesn't move about too much or she'll burst the stitches I applied" the girl I had heard replied.

It hit me then why I had to keep so still. It was so I wouldn't hurt myself. I had been so worried about Rogue that I didn't even think about why I was being made to hold still.

"I'll go tell him" 'Sting' stated before I heard him run off again. "Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Rogue asked. "I'm OK" I replied with a whisper, finally keeping myself still.

After a while of silence, I heard footsteps approaching, this time much more rapid than the last ones. I heard a slam close by as well as a whip of white entering my gaze momentarily.

"Rogue?" I asked, not turning my head. I felt the Rogue that my head was leaning on move and someone else take his place.

I looked up, facing Rogue. My Rogue. He had clearly been crying from his red, puffy eye and had fresh tears forming in his eye as he looked at me.

"It's OK. Don't cry" I assured him. He bent down, placing his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes as he did this.

He lifted his head before placing a kiss on my forehead. My eyes fluttered open so I could look at him. He gave me a relieved smile as I gave him one in return. I was glad that he refused to give in to the creature that took him over when he thought I was dead.

I was glad that he was OK, that's for sure.

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