Ch12: Discovered

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Future Rogue's pov

I sat in the living room, waiting for Ake. She had gone out for a few things and said she'd be back in an hour. It had been a few hours now.

I tapped my fingers on the side of the couch, bitting my lip. I eventually gave up, getting off the couch and walking over to the door. I put on a jacket and went outside. I didn't bother tying my hair up. I didn't have time to fiddle with the long strands.

I searched everywhere, trying to catch any scent of Ake. Instead I picked up a scent I didn't want to catch. Natsu. I ducked behind a tree, watching them.

"I found Wendy's scent!" he yelled, coming into view. "Really. That's great" Lucy stated, running over. Natsu was about to say something but paused, sniffing the air. 'Shit' I thought.

I was not going to meld with my shadow. It was too risky. "Natsu? What's wrong?" Erza asked. "I smell............ Rogue" he stated, walking closer. I panicked.

He couldn't see me. He wouldn't believe anything I say after what I did. He walked past the tree and spotted me. I gulped. This would not end well.

He bared his teeth in a snarl, bending down. "What are you doing here?" he snarled, coating his fist in fire. I leapt up onto my feet. "It's not what you think" I objected, taking a step back.

His friends joined him and all of them were surprised. "Your supposed to be back in your own time" Gray pointed out, preparing for an attack. I didn't know what to say. How can you just explain to the people you tried to kill that you've been here since the eclipse gate was destroyed.

Natsu was clearly annoyed that I was taking so long to answer. He leapt forward and punched me in the stomach sending me back into a tree.

I was not prepared for that. "FIGHT BACK ROGUE. KILL ALL OF THEM" The shadow hissed. "Shut up" I yelled, looking around for that glowing eye and smirk it had.

"Who's he talking to?" Happy asked, landing in Lucy's arms. Natsu looked at me. "Why is your outfit different?" he asked, still growling. "Ake gave it to me............. Ake! I need to find her!" I yelled, remembering why I came here in the first place.

There was no way they would let me past so I had to risk using the shadows. I melded into them, travelling through the trees until I was far enough away that they wouldn't catch up to me if I kept moving.

I sniffed the air. I caught onto Wendy's scent and Ake's. It explained why Natsu's team was all the way out here looking for Wendy. I began following the scent trail, trying to figure out where it was leading while also paying attention for anyone approaching, whether they be my former allies or no.

I eventually found myself outside a dark guild, the scent trail more fresh. They were in that building. I looked all around, two strong looking men guarding the door. They were definitely prepared for an attack. Most likely a frontal attack.

"Just attack them Rogue. They're useless. Kill them" the shadow hissed. I opted to ignore it and looked around for any way in that wouldn't involve my shadows. I didn't get a chance because I heard running behind me. 'Shit. I didn't count on them running while I walked' I thought, turning around only to be tackled to the ground, right in the sight of those two guards, by Natsu.

I grit my teeth when my back hit the ground, feeling a scrape run along the left side. "You bastard" Natsu yelled, readying a punch. I scrambled backwards.

I was out of practise and I knew that Natsu had been training in the last year so I was heavily outmatched in a fight. "The boss was right. There are the girl's friends" one of the guards stated, walking forward.

"I'm not here for any of you" I snapped, scrambling to my feet and jumping out of the way of one of the guards attacks. I had no choice. Shadows it was.

I melded into the shadows, making my way into the building. I searched through every room until I found Ake and Wendy chained up in the basement.

I came out of my shadows and both had a different reaction. Ake lookedd relieved while Wendy looked horrified. "I'm here to help you" I stated, not sure if I meant both of them or not.

I crouched over at Ake's chains which were holding her hands behind her back. I started fiddling with them, trying to get them loose.

"The one time I wish I either had Gajeel's magic or that hhe was here" I mumbled sarcastically but I guess Wendy heard. "Don't you dare hurt him" she cried although it was laced with fear.

"I was being sarcastic" I objected, still wrestling with these damm chains. I finally got them loose after deciding the only way was with magic then went over to Wendy. She flinched.

I didn't say anything about it and realised the chains. "Follow me. I know the way out" I advised, taking the lead.

They followed as I led us up to the main hall only for my hope at getting away to dwindle down to a flicker. The fighting that team Natsu had been brought into the guild Hall.

Natsu finished beating up one guy and turned to me, gaze hardening and jaw clenching. "Get away from Wendy" he growled although he didn't fire an attack. Probably because it would hit Wendy if he did.

Before I could say anything a dark mage sent an attack at us. Out of pure instinct, I grabbed both Ake and Wendy and melded into the shadows, still gripping onto them.

The attack faded and for a second everyone thought we had disintegrated until I pulled both of them back out of the shadows. Ake turned to me and smiled while everyone looked shocked.

I heard footsteps and caught the scent of Sabertooth. Someone must have called for their help. A team consisting of Sabertooth's strongest burst through the doors, looking around.

The other me laid his eyes on me with shock. Everyone was frozen in shock and surprise. Before I could say anything, the shadow spoke.

"Rogue. Now's your chance, kill them all now" it laughed. I turned back, looking right back at the glowing eye and twisted smile. I wanted to object but before I could, my head began to pound and everything soon became black.

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