Ch3: Kindness

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Future Rogue's pov

I sat in the living room, just looking around. "Hey Rogue. Caan I check your wound for a  minute?" Ake asked. I just nodded. She undid the bandages and looked at the wound.

"It looks alright but it needs to be cleaned again. We can clean it in the hot spring outside" she explained, her hands gently brushing over my wound. "Don't you have a bath inside?" I asked. She shook her head.

"That's what the hot spring iis for. I know that people get uncomfortable worth that sort of thing so I let them wear swimsuits so that they feel more comfortable" she explained. I just nodded.

"I'll give you one of the ones I have here and after your cleaned, I'll give you clean clothes. I was pretty tired last night and I knew you needed rest so I didn't bother to get you properly cleaned up and have you change clothes" she explained.

"So you do this sort of thing often?" I asked. She nodded. She stood up and got something from a drawer. "Here. This should fit" she told me, handing me some trunks and a wrapper. "I'll leave you to change" she added, walking outside the house.

I put the swimming trunks on, putting the wrapper on top which Wass very comfortable and soft. I walked outside to see her putting some towels and cloths at the side of the spring.

She had taken off the fuzzy pjs she had on and Wass wearing a bikini and her hair was pulled back into aa messy bun. "H-hey" I greeted, looking away to hide my blush.

"Come on. We need to get you cleaned up" she smiled, slipping into the pool. I took the wrapper off and went in. It felt nice to be in warm water again since I had to clean myself with cold water that I found in streams or lakes.

"You have so many bruises and scars. You must fight a lot" she pointed out, getting a cloth and putting soap on it. "Y-yeah. I used to fight a lot" I replied. She handed me the cloth then got another for herself.

"So was there ever anyone you were relatively close to that you've known for along time amongst those who died?" she asked. "Well..... My best friend died and I lost my cat. All of the members of my guild were killed too" I replied, keeping away from mentioning that I had killed Sting.

"So you had a cat?" she asked. "Yeah. His name was Frosch" I replied, nervously. She nodded in understanding.

We finished washing up and headed inside. Ake had put her own wrapper on and had me sit down as she dosed my wound in iodine. She checked the wound on my head then put fresh bandages on that.

She got up after treating my wounds and got some underwear and pjs. "Here. Put these on. They'll be better then resting in these clothes" she explained. I nodded. She let me change in her room as she did something in the kitchen.

Once I was changed, I walked out to see Ake washing something in a basin on the floor of the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked, standing next to her.

"Washing your clothes. I'll try fixing the ripped sleeve and other tears in it once it's dry" she explained. I looked down. She had a small pile of my clothes next to her and she was currently washing my trousers.

"Do you want any socks? Some people don't like walking around without them because they get cold" she explained. "No. I'm fine. I'm not cold" I replied.

She just nodded, still scrubbing my trousers. I sat down next to her and watched. She washed all of it then took it outside to dry. "Your healing well so you should be close to being healed in a 2 to 3 weeks" she explained, pouting the water out of the basin and onto the grass.

"That's good....... I guess" I mumbled, whispering the last part to myself. "Why don't you rest on the couch and I'll make dinner. You won't get any better with an empty stomach" she told me, walking back inside.

I was about to argue against that but my stomach disagreed with me by growling. "You must still be hungry. You did sy you haven't eaten in a week so it's no surprise that your still hungry" she laughed.

She walked into the kitchen as I sat down and waited. After a while, my sharp nose picked up on the strong scent of food as Ake returned, carrying a tray with two plates on it.

She handed me one plate and I tried my hardest to not scarf it down but failed, finishing the food within a few minutes with small bits of food stuck around my mouth.

I wiped it off with thee back of my hand and blushed in embarrassment. Ake didn't seem too bothered, smiling at me. I turned to stare in front of me.

I felt lighter, like something was missing but it made me feel better than I had ever felt before. I liked this feeling.

Bland Future Or Bright Present(A Future Rogue X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now