Chapter 7 Reveal

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Today is the day of the ball. Anne is visibly nervous as we get changed into our fancy dresses. I couldn't care less about this ball. It's going to be super boring. After we struggle to get changed Hannah shows up and we follow her to the dining room.

"Ah, there they are." Gerald says, "We thought we should probably tell you what will happen tonight."

He explains pretty quickly that all we are going to do is sit at a table and greet other nobles.

"Now I know you two aren't able to talk yet, but at least wave to say hi." He says.

"Oh also," Carol steps in, "People may stare at your hair. Not many people have pink hair." Little do they know, it's not just pink. They probably already know that I can use telepathy if my color suspicions are correct.

"Hey Anne, what do you think. Should we finally tell them that we can use magic already?" I ask her, telepathically of course.

"If you think we should." She replies.

"Alright here goes."

I attempt to speak to everyone at the same time. This might get a bit awkward.

"I have a question." I say. Carol and Gerald are staring in surprise.

"Carol, did she just...?" Gerald says.

"I think she did." She says.

"Our daughter's first words!" They say at almost the exact same time.

"Well, I wouldn't say that." I say.

"Wha- why not?" Carol says.

"Well, Anne and I have been talking to each other for quite a while now."

"Is this true Anne? Are you also able to use telepathy?"

"Yes, it is true." She says.

"We missed both of our daughters' first words." Gerald says as he slumps into a depression.

"My first word was 'hi' and so was Anne's." I say.

"When did this happen?" Carol asks.

"Do you want the truth?"

"Of course, I'm your mother after all."

"Well, it was kind of three years ago from yesterday."

"Wait, but you had just been born."

"That's right."

"Does that mean you already know what kind of magic you both can use? We can get a pretty good guess from the color of your hair however."

"Yes, I also figured that hair thing out too."

"So would you mind telling us what you can use then?" Gerald buds in.

"I guess I'll start." Anne says, "I can use water, light, telepathy, and telekinesis."

Both of our parents' eyes are wide open.

"You have two legendary magic types?"

"Um... yes." She says unsure of herself. "I didn't get as lucky as Jess though."

"Jess? You already have a nickname?" Carol asks.

"Of course, I gave her one because Jessica is too long to say."

"I see. Well, Jess, why don't you share with us what magic you can use. Anne did say you got luckier." She asks.

"Well, as you can tell I can use telepathy." I say not sure of how to continue. You try telling your parents you're all powerful. "I can also use everything else." I mumble.

"I didn't even know mumbling was possible using telepathy. Sorry, can you repeat that?" Gerald says.

"I said, I can use every magic type."

Both of our parents so surprised and slightly terrified. They are speechless.

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