Chapter 11 Assessment

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"If you would follow me." The man says.

"Yeah sure, whatever." I say. I look around the room before we leave; there is only a group of five boys in here. They must have wanted to see everyone's abilities. They are also glaring at us, probably wondering why we weren't evaluated.

The man leads us through a door into a small room. Inside, there is a table with an orb the size of a hand on top.

"Do just as you would have in the other room." He says.

Anne places her hand on the orb for a second and takes it off. Four orbs glow; pink, purple, white, and blue.

"You are able to use two legendary types of magic!" He looks astonished.

"Yes sir." She says.

"Uh...Alright then. Go ahead."

"Yeah sure." I place my hand on the orb and take it off. He faints after seeing all the orbs, of course. I leave the room and Anne follows.

"I guess we're off to room 1A." I say.

"Yes, let's go."

As we walk towards the exit door I noticed the five boys who were inside the room before, weren't anymore. I guess they got to see everyone's abilities so they probably decided to go pick on some kids.

When we reach the exit and get through the doorway, we notice different signs than the ones before. These told us where each classroom was. We followed the signs that said 1A until they stopped at a door.

I opened the door and I saw a few familiar faces.

"Hi Jessica, hi Anne!" Samantha says.

I wave. "Don't show them your magic yet." I tell Anne.

"Alright." She replies and she also waves.

"We were wondering when you would get here." Darren says.

I look at everything in the room. There are only six desks in a two by three formation each about two feet away from each other. In front is a slightly bigger desk. My guess is it's for the teacher for the class. The opposite wall is almost all window.

"Alright kids, get seated." Someone says as they walk in. I look over and see Hannah walking towards the teacher's desk in the front of the room. Of course she is the teacher, who else. I sit in the back corner next to the window. There is one extra seat in the other back corner. Anne sits next to me while David sits in front of me and Samantha sits between the two boys.

"Why are we sitting back here Jess?" Anne asks.

"You don't have to be back here if you don't want to." I say.

"But, I never leave your side."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hello, my name is Hannah Nadarajah. You can refer to me as Ms. N or Ms. Hannah." She says.

I look out the window and see a courtyard. The courtyard is four times the size of this classroom. In the center is a tree that looks like a cherry blossom tree, but must be special since it is definitely not the right time for it to be pink. The tree must have been here for decades since it looks like a sequoia tree with its width but it's only about two stories high. Near each corner are elevated squares of flowers that look like roses, about the same width as the tree is.

"Hey Jess! Hannah is trying to speak!" Anne yells at me. I return my focus to the class.

"Now, we already know each other so there is no need to have greetings. The first thing we are going to do is assess your knowledge. That means...Test!" She says.

Multiple groans were heard in the room. Hannah waves her hands and suddenly there are papers on each of our desks. I check the back of the papers and see that there are 75 questions. This test is probably used to assess the knowledge of a normal adult in this world. This world hasn't progressed as much as Earth had so since I basically finished high school already, almost everything on the test came very easily to me. There are math questions there are questions about science and others on spelling and grammar. The one thing that got me was history. I haven't learned anything about this world's history yet. I skipped all the history questions and ended in roughly fifteen minutes.

"I'm done." I tell Hannah through telepathy.

She walks over to my desk and takes my papers to look through them. "You didn't even answer fifteen of the questions."

"I don't know any history, so I skipped them." She took the papers.

"Are you already done?" Asks David. I nod. He continues.

"Well, without the history portion, the one you skipped, you got a perfect score." Hannah says after a bit of flipping through papers. "Please, wait patiently for the rest of the students to finish." I put my head down and slowly drift off to sleep.

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