Chapter 21 Leaders

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All of the guards around the man kneel down. "My King." A few of them say. I help Mother and Anne off of me using my wing. They acted as if it was like a slide. I take a look at the so-called King. He has dark grey hair and is wearing a very expensive looking coat.

"King! Brother! You're brother is the King? The King is your brother?" Anne beats me to the question.

"Step-brother, actually." The King says.

"I need to speak with you regarding the war against Cresselia you've started."

"They started it when that sound was heard on their continent. Just now, another was heard."

"That 'sound' is exactly what I speak of."

"What do you mean?" The King says confusedly.

"I know the true origin of that 'sound'."

"Well, spit it out."

"As you can see, there is a dragon behind me."

"That was my second question."

"Well, have you looked close enough?"

The King squints his eyes at me. "I get that it's a dragon and all but what is its significa- Wait! It can't be!"

"Oh, yes it can, and it is."

"Kill it! Now!" He ordered his guards to kill me. I quickly changed to the size of a human hand. Everyone lost where I went. I flew over to Anne and parked on her head.

"Where has it gone?" The King asks.

"I'm over here." I say slightly mocking him.

"I don't see you."

"Look at the teenager's head."

"Why would I? Oh I see."

"Don't even try to hurt me or any of them." I threaten him.

"Why should I trust you?"

"I'll let you buy more of these if you do." I spit out a crystal from the cave. This one ended up being a red one.

"This is-" I cut him off, "Yeah, yeah, I get it, it's valuable, I've got plenty where that came from. Now let's get on with stopping the war please."

"Yes, of course." He is dumbfounded, "Please follow me." He leads us into the castle of his. This place is huge. It must have at least ten floors. Just by looking at the outside, it seems the whole avocado pit is two miles in diameter.

The King takes us down a hall into the throne room. He continues to walk behind the thrones and steps up to a mirror. "Calling leader of Adroya." He says out loud.

"Ah, Fredrick, what makes you call at this time." We hear an old man speaking.

"We must call off war with Cresselia."

"Why would we? They have a dangerous weapon."

"The weapon has been discovered. It is not owned by any specific country. The weapon in fact is not owned by anyone."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It would be easier to show you." He turns over to look at us and waves his hand, gesturing me to come over. I grow to dog size again and stand in front of the mirror-like object.

"Is that a dragon? Those are extremely rare!" Now that I have a good look at him, he has dark yellow hair and looks old enough so be a senior citizen ten times over.

"It's not just any dragon." The King says. The old guy looks at me closer while I just silently spin around slowly.

"Is it really?"

"Yes, this here is what made that sound one month ago and the one that happened only a moment ago."

"Okay, I'm done, I'm sorry, please stop calling me this and it. I am a she, thank you."

"I must contact Lady Kate immediately as well."

"Of course, and I will notify Mr. Miletus of Cresselia that we are no longer at war."

"Hey, before you go," I say, "If they get mad that you tried to start war in the first place, just bribe them with these crystals." I pop a few out and let him see. Then I return them. The old man looks surprised but leave anyway.

"Call leader of Klumane."

"Oh, hello there Fredrick. What makes you call today?"

"Hello, Lady Kate." He says and points at me.

"That's a Foul Pharaoh Dragon!" She says immediately.

"Wow, that was probably the fastest anyone has recognized me." I say.

"It's a female too, that's good, but why is one there with you?"

"This dragon was the source of that sound one month ago as well as the one that just recently happened."

"So you're saying, we don't need to go to war with Cresselia."

"We do not."

"Good, I never started preparing anyway. It's good to meet your acquaintance"

"Just call me Miss J."

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much for saving our continents from war. Bye!" She leaves.

"Well I guess that's it then." The King says, "Will you hold your end of the bargain?"

"Oh course, I'll sell you the crystals for almost the highest price possible. We wouldn't want you losing money, now would we."

"I could get someone to buy these for 10 royal coins each. Please allow me to buy each for 5 royal coins."

I quickly ask the family, "I don't actually know anything about the currency of this world so could you get me an explanation."

Anne answers saying, "1 Royal Coin = 1000 Platinum Coins; 1 Platinum Coin = 1000 Gold Coins; 1 Gold Coin = 1000 Silver Coins; 1 Silver Coin = 1000 Copper Coins"

"Thank you." I tell her. I give my attention back to the King. "It's a deal, how many would you like."

"One of each color would be nice."

"Alright, that'll be 60 royal coins then." He takes out the money and I take out one of each color for him, except red.

"Hey, you're missing one!" He says.

"You're holding it." He looks and sees the red one in his hand already.

"Oh alright."

"What do I do now?" I ask everyone.

"You could become this kingdom's protector."

"No thanks. Anything else?"

"You could aid the adventurers somehow."

"What's an adventurer?" I ask. I really have no idea.

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