Surprising cliche

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Jeongwoo had to admit that his impression of Watanabe Haruto had improved by miles. If one had to be blunt, he had never liked Haruto before. Lazy, messy, moody, rebellious and hard to please, that was how he saw the tall japanese before. It might also because he had envied Haruto's talents and genius before thinking that everything came easy for the guy. How lame, he thought to himself. 

The treasurer watched the japanese sort his paper work effeciently and sighed. He did deliver his conclusion fast. It was only when he had shared the same apartment that he knew that Haruto was not as lazy as he appeared to be. In truth, he is more of a hard worker than a lazy bone. He religiously wakes up at 3 am and jogs until 4: 30 am. He then practices his swings with the training sword made out of sword for half an hour then showers and goes back to sleep. This exactly the reason why he is so unkempt every morning, he had exhausted his energy with his routing so early in the morning. 

As soon as the japanese finished his tasks, he slumped into his desk and exhaustion was notable on his eyes. Jeongwoo remembered that he had spared with Junghwan earlier as part of their weekly routine decreasing his usual nap time. Jeongwoo has become Haruto's caretaker officially. Everyone, even the teachers, comes to him if they have a problem or a request with the samurai. 

Jeongwoo exhaled a breathe as he carefully stood up from his seat and crossed the room to brew some tea. He had previously heard from the previous student council president that every members of Kings have an unhealthy love for tea. 

As he waited for the water to boil, the treasurer remembered that Mashiho had left them a load of snacks in the office. He recalled Haruto enjoying munching one of the snacks, senbei. He moved to open the cabinets where the snacks are and opened a pack of the rice crackers.

He smiled to himself as he watched the set up on the tray. He served tea and snacks to the members of the student council.

Haruto who was slumped on his seat peeked at the cup of hot tea in front of him and smiled. "Thanks, Woo~ You're always the best!"

"Un" Jeongwoo acknowledge slightly as he gently placed a plate of senbei on the tall second-year work table. 

Haruto sat properly and slowly sipped his cup of tea. Jeongwoo returned to his seat acting calm as possible but the side glances he gives Haruto from time to time have not gone unnoticed by the other members of the student council.

"This is yummy" Haruto exclaimed. He noticed that his tea has extra milk in it which was more to his preference. Jeongwoo's ears perked as soon as he heard Haruto exclaimed. A shy satisfied smile crossed his fearures momentarily. "You make nice tea, Woo. Make one at home too~" 

Yedam laughed as he saw Jeongwoo burying his head on the papers in embarassment. "I think yours are extra special, Haru"

"It's the same" Jeongwoo defended acting as calm as possible. Asahi let out a smile and signaled Yedam to stop with the teasing. "I just thought that everyone is tired"

Doyoung grinned but had not breathed a word. He is still threading carefully with his position. He glanced at the ent council president who had an indolent look before he dropped his gaze back to his work.

Yedam saw Doyoung's gaze and frowned. What does he need now?

Junghwan entered the room panting, he scanned the room for Haruto. As soon as he found the public morals head, he immediately declared, "Mashiho sunbae has been sent to the sick bay"

Haruto and Asahi reacted faster than the others. Before Jungwhan was able to catch his breath, he noticed that his friend was already rushing out of the room with Asahi.

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