justifiably wrong

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Kim Doyoung lightly snored as he slept on Yedam's bed, the owner of the room sitting beside him. Yedam stared at the slumbering boy by his side. He smiled as he parted the fringe covering the other's eyes before leaning in to left a peck on the sleeping beauty's cheeks.

The mansion, his house, has become lively and warm. Doyoung had been living with him for two weeks now with his insistence. He wanted to make sure that his Doyoung was okay, he seemed to have developed a habit of keeping everything to himself especially his pain.

Yedam's eyes glowered as he remembered Jeongwoo's  report. He heavied a sigh, as he leaned his back on the bed rest.

I followed Haruto since my instincts are telling me that he was up to no good. I found him rushing inside what seems to be an office, I was shocked when he beat up all the adults there.

It seems like he got some kind of informafion on that office as he rushed towards an empty factory house.

There he met the man posing as Akito. I was hiding behind one of the beams watching Haruto fought another japanese. It was like a movie, just that they were holding real swords.

Akito, or he claims to be, seemed to be not as Haruto thought he was. Haruto noted that the other's skill is not up to par as his brother. So, the man posing to be Akito revealed that he was the retainer of Mashiho hyungs brother.

Haruro seemed to relax and started his attack and thats when I decided to collect the information that I have here since there was an open office with no one around.

Well, Haruto found me out though. He got shot as he was distracted and his opponents had the time to call back up.  You should have seen it hyung, it was scary as hell. Three cars full of large muscled men with guns parked and I had to drag Haruto out of that place. Well, he literally had to carry me and jump down the water so I had to swim and drag him to the nearest shore.

It is also the reason why these documents are wet.

Yedam stared at the messy documents and frowned. He found a name that he had not expected. When he did his investigations, with the skill he learned from Jihoon, he seemed to have hit the jackpot.

Now, he is just worried about how the sleeping boy would take the news.

"Dammie?" Doyoung mumbled half-awake, rubbing his tired eyes. "Problem?"

"Nothing, babe. Sleep more, you're too tired"

"Ung" Doyoung blinked his eyes open and shook his head before extending his arms to wrap around Yedam's waist. "You don't need to worry about me, I already saw the reports. I'm gonna be fine as long as I have you"

"You know that's not how I wanted. I love you and that's why I wanted you to be happy. " Dammie rubbed Doyoung's back making the other hum. "I wanted you to live freely and as much as I want to restrain and monopolize you, I can't do that. You need friends aside from me, a life you could call your own."

"I've got Byounggon hyung and Jihoon hyung"

"A very peculiar choice but I could live with that" Yedam chuckled as he raised the big baby boy clinging on his body. He smiled warmly, eyes looking straight to the other. "I love you, yeah?"

Doyoung blushed, he was still not used to it. For some reason, these past week Yedam had made it a mission to profess his love and praise him tirelessly every chance he get. Yet, he was still not able to answer properly. Doyoung dropped his gaze to the paper on the bed and grimaced. He had been blind. He raised his head and let out an innocent smile, void of any hesitation and embarrassment.

"I love you too, Dammie" Doyoung confessed as he leaned to kiss his precious treasure by the lips. Yedam smiled noting how useful Mashiho's advices are. He'd have to take the full course from the expert.

"I know, babe" Yedam giggled flicking Doyoung's forehead slightly. "You've done so many things to prove that. This time, it's my turn. My turn to protect you and prove my love"

Doyoung chuckled resting his forehead on Yedam's forehead "I won't stop you since you wont listen anyway but dont do anything dangerous"

"I won't. You know how overprotective the gang gets"

"Hmm. I do, Hyunsuk hyung would rage a war if you ever cry"

"And what would you do?"

Doyoung blinked frowning and stared straight through Yedam's eyes, "You wont want to know"

Yedam snaked his arms on the other's waist allowing Doyoung to saddle on his laps. He gently kissed his boyfriend smiling between their kisses, "I'm afraid of what you'd do so I'll take my safety as top priority"

"Good" Doyoung leaned his head in Yedam's shoulder. "I finally have you back in my arms, I can't imagine losing you again"

"My thoughts exactly" Yedam smiled ruffling Doyoung's midnight colored mane. "But, I also cannot forgive those that hurt you"

"I'm fine already, Dammie" Doyoung smiled as he watched Yedam raised his brow in reprimand and corrected himself, "I'm fine, babe"

"Hmm" hummed Yedam in response, satisfied. "You might be fine but I'm not. In any case, you dont need to worry, they wont know what hit them when I strike. Afterall, I have the scheming devils by my side"

"Mashiho hyung and Yoonbin hyung is gonna get mad by that description"

Yedam laughed pinching Doyoung's cheeks, "I didn't tell you that I was referring to them"

"Busht, yow wer rehfring tah ehm" Doyoung replies with his cheeks stretched by a certain someone. Yedam laughed harder, eyes narrowing in delight.

"Not gonna deny that. But, you must admit those two are so good at scheming. How did you think Haruto's confession went ever so smoothly with many coincidence? Mashiho hyung is always undefeated when it comes to scheming"

"Yoonbin hyung?"

"At negotiation, he can make you agree with his terms even if it is obviously disadvantageous to you. He has way with psychological battles and words. He said he learned that from his grandpa"

"You look so proud talking about them Dammie." Doyoung smiled happily. He thought to his decision and commented, "I think I did the right thing"

"You did" Yedam admitted hugging Doyoung closer, "If you havent done that I would have remained as your childhood friend, worse, I would become your adopted brother. I don't think I'd be happy with that."

Doyoung giggled as he saw Yedam pouting. He then thought of a certain person that they always had treated as brother, "Take it easy with Seunghun hyung, okay?"

"I know" Yedam's lips curved with a vague smile. "But, I would think that it would be hard. I just hope he won't trigger the sleeping Emperor of Kings"

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