random cycle

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Jeongwoo had never expected in his life that he would be able to enter a history rich mansion. He slightly gawked at the beautiful japanese architecture when he entered it but the importance of his agenda was heavier than appreciating the relics of the past. 

Jeongwoo stood in front of Watanabe Haruomi, the Watanabe clan's current head. His eyes challenging the older in a contest of determination and belief. He had a bokuto, a wooden sword, on his hand. He had never received training nor had he trained any martial arts but he knew that more than anyone here in the dojo, he most likely had the spirit of a real samurai. 

"Young'un, you wish to challenge me?" Haruomi grinned, obviously underestimating the young boy in front of him. 

"No, I wish to prove a point" Jeongwoo replied and readied his stance. One that he just recently learned from Asahi. 

"Perfect stance" The swordsman approved, the kid might have the talent for the art. But, Watanabe's are known to be bad at holding back. As soon as the match started, Haruomi attacked Jeongwoo causing the boy to cough in pain. The swordmaster had done it to dampen the will of the boy and to show the difference in their skills. 

Jeongwoo stood up despite receiving a blow from the wooden sword in his abdomen. Haruomi stared at the boy and asked, "Why are you doing this young boy? You are not a member of this clan, you alone cannot change anything"

Jeongwoo glared, vision slightly dizzy due to the blow. He clenched his teeth and replied, "I said I'm proving a point so I am." He stood still, "I heard from Mashiho hyung that the Watanabe was supposed to be a clan of samurai that protects their masters"

"We are" Haruomi replied as he landed another blow to the kid. He did his best to hold back as to not accidentally kill the young man. Jeongwoo smiled as he received the blow and immediately struggled to stand up. 

Yoonbin held Jihoon who was about to rush and help Jeongwoo up. He signaled the hacker to stay in his place with his eyes. Jeongwoo felt his body becoming heavy, pain soaring throughout his every joint. Yet, he chose to stand up, he stared at the clan leader. "But before you served a master, the Watanabe's were a clan that fought for the future of its country"

"What are you getting at, kid?"

"That you and you're clan is wrong. That the outdated way of thinking does not match modern society and that change is something does need to be resisted!" 

Haruomi landed another blow to the boy, he had slightly forgotten to adjust his strength making Jeongwoo cough blood slightly. The boy wobbled as he stood up and the fire in his eyes has not once died down. There was a will undying inside the eyes of the young boy, an aura that draws everyone into reverence. "Why do you take life for granted? Pride? Pride is when you struggle to keep the things you cherish protected. You take life as if its a toy that you can dispose of any time. You've long forgotten the way a samurai lives" 

"What do you know of how we live?"

"I don't but at the very least I know that those that come before you, those that established this long-standing clan had done it for one dream. For the future of their loved ones. Harakiri was performed to show the zeal of life and invigorate the country. At the very least, the samurai that I imagined was that samurai!" Jeongwoo bit his lips, hissing. He took an unsteady step forward, the blood due to cut near his eye made him lose his focus slightly. "At the very least, the samurai I know does not steal the future of their offsprings. They do not block the path of their future. And for what? To invigorate the old generation" Jeongwoo laughed darkly. 

Haruomi watched the boy refusing to give up. There was a tug in his chest that made him admire the boy. He watched the boy raised his head and stare at him with a burning conviction, "THE OLD SHOULD PREPARE THE PATH FOR THE YOUNG"

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