cuarenta y cuatro

223 13 3

sent at 3:42 am est

hayley w sent a message to free therapy group!

hw: i can tell y'all are dead bc the chat name hasn't been changed in ages

g😳: maybe everyone is just asleep

hw: bullshit nobody on here ever sleeps

hw: and apparently nobody on here ever talks either 😔👊

g😳: you were gone for a while shut up

hw: so were you

hw: wait where the fuck is franklin

hayley w added frank i to free therapy group!


fi: it's been

fi: 3 weeks

fi: and NOBODY

fi: fucking BOTHERED

fi: to ADD ME BACK

fi: :(

frank i renamed the chat justice 4 frank

g😳: why didn't you just ask someone to put you back

fi: you guys spam and it's annoying as shit

fi: plus somehow it was more fun to watch chaos unfold from gee's phone but yk

hayley w renamed the chat justice 4 franklin

hw: much better

hw: why were you on gee's phone

fi: that's none of your business

fi: god i wish awsten were on we're like the holy trinity of this group chat

hw: i call god

fi: no it was my idea i'm god you can be jesus

g😳: i would've thought the holy trinity would be like pete, mikey, and gee

fi: maybe like at the beginning lmao mikey hasn't been on in like 7 years and i don't even know where the hell pete fucked off to

fi: god you qualify for a veteran's discount i can't believe you remember when pete forced us into worshipping him

pw: excuse u im an old god :-/

pw: also i'm here like 75% of the time you've just been gone smfh

hw: who are you again

pw: crap bag

pw: i can't believe u forgot about me


g😳: i'm assuming you know where mikey went

pw: yeah something happened he's only talking to me and gee rn

fi: why do you get to talk to him and not me smh

pw: he's my boyfriend you fucking dumbass

fi: ???? you're ????? still ????? together ??????

pw: ???? y ???? e ???? s ????

pw: why wouldn't we be :-/

fi: idk it's just been so long

g😳: why does that come as a shock to you

g😳: you were here at the beginning you know how they are

hw: hey he probably hasn't ever been in a real relationship

hw: wanna remind us how long it's been since you last had sex, franklin?

fi: like a few days idk

hw: uhh liar

hw: u can't fool me

fi: i don't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that you think i'm lying

pw: ew who did that with u of all ppl

fi: your mom

pw: she would never

hw: did you hire a sex worker

fi: no jfc

hw: did you drug them

fi: hell no omfg

fi: my god hayley shut up and be proud of me for once ok :(

pw: i'd be proud of u if u didn't hate me :-(

fi: i hate you bc your emoticons have noses

pw: : - (

fi: i don't actually hate you you're just annoying sometimes

pw: thanks dude

g😳: that's kinda mean idk though

pw: im a big kid i think i can handle constructive criticism

pw: ur annoying sometimes too franklin

hw: according to pemdas no one's annoying bc it cancels out

g😳: no they take turns being annoying

fi: you're all annoying actually even me

g😳: how am i annoying

fi: you spend too much time with awsten and some of his obnoxiousness rubbed off on you

fi: jk i love awsten

g😳: me 2

hw: me 3

pw: i don't really talk to him but me 4

geoff 😳 renamed the chat awsten fan club

fi: omg pete aren't you gonna remove him for changing the chat name 😳😤😎👌

pw: no

fi: you removed me whenever i changed the name????

fi: this isn't fair :(

pw: i now realize that i was being a cruel leader by banning the changing of chat names

pw: my apologies to you all

hw: this is Character Development

pw: damn right it is

fi: fine i guess you're forgiven :(

pw: :-)

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