The Ball

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 Prompt: Bruce drags everyone to yet another charity ball and the boys groan at the thought of being surrounded by people they have probably seen a million times, but can never seem to remember the names of. To remedy the situation a bit (mostly for himself😂), Tim invites you to come along and be his date for the ball.

*This fan-fic is gender-neutral!*

The music downstairs in the grand ballroom was faintly heard on the upper floors of the manor where its residents resided. Its soft notes faint to the ears and calming to the ones slow dancing in the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor. Their movements and state of mind comparable to pure content as the calming melody rang through the large room and through the mansion.

If only the same could be said for Tim Drake and his brothers...

Excluding Dick...

He was dancing with Kori and probably whispering things into her ear things not even Bruce is old enough to hear about.

While the others were practically staring holes into the clock waiting for the party to be over

Jason had long since unbuttoned his jacket and tied it around his waist because "It was too damn tight to be considered even remotely close to comfortable." Despite the many complements from young women throughout the event. Damian had tried and failed (at least 3 times, Tim lost count) to sneak into the bat-cave, grab his suit, and bolt off into the night because Alfred was just that much of a bada*s, and Tim looked like he was about to explode from his anxiousness

After trying (and miserably failing) to find a good enough excuse to back out of another charity ball that he just couldn't care less about at this point, he decided that if he was gonna suffer through a night of trying to remember peoples names, dancing horribly, and being the most awkward sausage any human could possibly be in a social environment, he figured that someone should be there to help him keep his sanity.

In short, he asked you to be his date for this ball so there would be (at least) one person there who wasn't trying to get to Bruce's fortune through him

Tim had always thought you were an honest, lovable, and kind person who would genuinely make him happy when you two were together.

Since you had always fantasized about being at a really fancy party and to experience the high life instead of "living that broke life" for a change, you immediately said yes to Tim's invation, hung up the phone before Tim could get another word out, and mulled over every possible outfit you could wear without a second thought.

Tim was very confused as to why the hell you would actually want to be around snobby, entitled people with way too much money and power for their own good, but he wasn't going to ask any questions as long as you were happy.

At this moment in time, Tim was standing by the large French doors of the entryway into the ballroom, occasionally giving half-assed greetings and limited small talk to everyone who he thought of as "slimy, rich bastards" as they trickled into the ballroom to dance, eat, and do whatever the hell rich people did during a formal event while standing on the balls of his feet to get a good look of the crowd and possibly spot you somewhere in it.

Also in this moment in time, you had just managed to park your car close enough to the Manor so your legs wouldn't give out just by walking to the door. This had been a difficult task considering the fact that there were a lot of people at this party and good parking spaces were very few and far in-between. As you got closer to the house, you noticed a lot of very nice, and obviously very expensive cars, as well as men and women in outfits that probably costed a hell of a lot more than what you made working at your job for 10 years of your life.

Since you were part of the 99.99% of the population that had to get almost everything on a budget (because who the actual hell would actually buy a dress or suit for that much money when you could probably get the same damn thing in the clearance section), you felt a bit self-conscious as you meandered towards the large doors leading into the ballroom. Fortunately for you, a certain boy was there waiting for you by the doors...

Tim hadn't exactly noticed you were there yet. His head was whipping around in every direction as he tried to find you in the crowd. He was slightly sweaty and fidgeting a bit as he looked around. Clearly, he was nervous so you made the decision to go over to him before he had a heart attack.

The minute you tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to look at you, his heart may or may not have stopped for a second because damn it you looked amazing in your outfit.

But before he could make himself look like a total idiot in front of you, he composed himself as quickly as he could while blushing madly and greeted you much differently than he had towards the others that he was forced to talk to throughout the night.

"H-hey (Y/N), you look- you look great!" Tim exclaimed happily before hugging you. You hugged back, feeling a bit less self-conscious than before.

"Thanks Tim, you look great too!" You said while hugging him.

A few moments later, Tim had released you from his (slightly sweaty) hug, bowed slightly, extended his hand, and gave you the most s*it-eating grin he could muster.

"Care to dance, my dear (Y/N)?"

A giggle escaped your lips before you playfully rolled your eyes and put your hand in his. You also bowed/curtseyed, mimicking Tim's playful actions.

"I'd be delighted to, 'my dear Timothy.'" You said playfully before walking hand in hand into the ballroom with Tim.


After the ball

"Man, how the hell do you deal with such...such entitled pricks!?"

Throughout the night, the other guests at the ball (mainly the young guys and girls that wanted to date Tim and were jealous of you two) had been asked questions about you two and your relationship.. Tim had kept his responses short, while you tried to answer them as best as you could. At first, the questions were innocent enough and none of the partygoers seemed to have meant to ask anything mean, but overtime, your fantasy of going to a fancy party had slowly diminished when the other guests' true colors began to show. Eventually, the people around you made you uncomfortable enough to ask Tim to take you to the garden so you wouldn't have to deal with the increasingly disrespectful questions.

When you both had made it to the garden, you began to rant, and I mean rant like you had never ranted before about the people who were constantly asking you questions and ruining the fun you thought you were going to have.

Tim turned to you with a lopsided smile and a "tch" sound sounded from him before he replied:

"Lots of practice, limited responses, and subtle roasting when necessary." He listed nonchalantly."

"....No wonder you hate these balls, they suck..."


Hey everyone, I'm back. I've been pretty busy lately and will be for a little while longer. I know this is short, but I really wanted to post something.


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