Explaining Stuff (not a chapter)

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This is literally what the title says (feel free to skip)

So basically so far this is what's happening.

The sides (not including Dalton) can feel each other's pain. They don't all feel the same. For example if someone was burned it would feel a little tingly. With most things they don't feel the pain to the same degree as whoever is being hurt. (I hope that made sense)

So Virgil is depressed. They've all tried to help him (it's not really working). I know there are some things that should be changed ever since the last two sanders sides vids came out, but I'd rather keep my story the same. If deceit turns out to be evil I still want him to be nice to Virgil. I'm sorry if this story is confusing (I'm not good at writing...... nor summaries apparently). I really do hope that you enjoy this story so far.

This chapter was mainly to explain the pain.

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