You Two Babysit - Butch

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"Hey, Y/n-" Butch starts, making his way into the kitchen to find you along with a boy sitting at the table that was covered in flour and chocolate chips. Music was blasting through the speaker.

"Hey, Butch!" You reply, taking off your oven mitts and placing them onto the counter.

"Bo, this is Butch." You say to the 8-year old as he looks at him skeptically. Butch smiles at him and waves as he waves back with a blank expression while fixing him up.

"Cmon, take this rag and wipe up the flour." You say, wetting a rag and tossing it to Bo. He quickly catches it and begins to wipe off the table with it. You grab the broom from off of the wall and dance around the kitchen while you sweep up the sugar, flour, and other various ingredients that had spilled over while you guys made chocolate chip cookies.

Bucth leans against the wall, watching you dance and chuckling to himself. Bo threw the rag away and then also began to watch you dance. As the song finishes up, you empty the dustpan into the trash. The two boys are almost stuck in a trancelike state as you snap your fingers in front of them. They both come to their senses, blinking a few times.

"Cmon, let's do something while the cookies bake! How about a water balloon fight? I think I have some inside somewhere..." You say, rushing upstairs and leaving the two boys. It was silent for a few seconds before Butch broke the silence.

"Is she like your cousin or something?" Butch asks as Bo shakes his head.

"Nope, she offered to babysit me today. She's been my babysitter for a while now." Bo replies and Butch shakes his head in understanding.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Bo asks as he shakes his head.

"Oh, okay." He says as it falls silent between the two boys once again.

"I found them!" You say as you grab a bucket that was laying near the door and rush outside.

You set up the water balloon contraption on the water pipe and then set the bucket underneath.

You quickly rush back inside and then come back out with a bin of water guns.

After a while of waiting, The water balloons fall into the bucket.  After that, you plug the hose back in and fill all of the water guns and put them back into the bucket.

"Bo, can you grab that bag out of the bin?" You ask as he nods and then hands it to you. You open the bag and shake it up a bit.

"Both of you pick a number." You say as you hand Bo the bag back.

"Why?" He asks as you smile.

"It determines which water gun you get!" You say to him as he picks a piece of paper and so does Butch.

"I got five." Butch says.

"I got thirteen." Bo says as he hold up the bag next to you.

"15." You say to yourself before filling the three water guns.

"Here Butch, this ones number five." You say to him before handing him probably the smallest one in the bin.

"This ones number thirteen." You say as you hand Bo a gun with a pocket that he puts on like a backpack.

"And this one is number fifteen!" You say before pulling a super soaker out of the bin.

"No fair, how do you get the huge gun?" Butch asks as you smirk.

"Lucky pick. Look like its just not your lucky day." You say happily as you bring the balloon bucket into the middle of your yard. All of you stand in a triangle a good distance away from it.

"Ready, Set, Go!" You yell as you run towards the bucket with your super soaker ready.

Bo throws a water balloon at you and it hits you in the stomach.

"Get back here you!" You yell as you pick up a balloon out of the bucket and throw it at him. It hit him on the back and you laugh.

You pick up another water balloon and then you feel a stream of water hit you on the back. You turn around to see Butch holding up his water pistol at you.

You shoot water out of your super soaker, hitting him right it the face!

"Gotcha!" You say as Bo throws a water balloon at Butch. He steps to the side, so it hits you in the chest instead. You shudder a small bit due to cold sensation.

You shoot Bo with the super soaker. As soon as you do, an arm wraps around your waist from behind and pulls backward. You feel pressure against your head.

"Don't move or I won't hesitate to shoot..." Butch whispers into your ear, causing you to blush faintly.

"Get her Bo!" Butch yells as Bo twists the super soaker from your hand.

"Don't listen to him, you've know me longer!" You say as Bo raises the super soaker.

"Get her while she's down!" Butch says as he picks you up Bridal style and runs off with you.

"She can't move c'mon get her!" He yells as Bo trips and then falls on the ground. You glance over to him as Butch sets you down.

"Bo! Are you okay?" You ask him before rushing over to him. He begins to cry as you slightly panic.

"Okay, where does it hurt?" You ask as he points to his knee. It was bruised and bloody!

You pick him up and hold him on your hip as you begin to walk inside of the house.

"Can you pack up the guns?"You ask Butch as he nods.

Unbeknownst to you, Bo sticks his tongue out a Butch who looks back at him in slight shock. He smirks as Butch points two fingers to him, then himself as to say ' I'm watching you... '.

You carry Bo inside of the house and you set him on the couch. You crouch down and lean under the coffee table to grab the first aid kit. You pull it out onto the table and then take the contents out and lay them on the table. The timer rings on the oven as you look over to it. Butch coincidentally walks in with the bin of water guns.

"Butch, can you get the cookies?" You ask as he groans.

"On it." He says as he sets down the bin and then rushes into the kitchen.

After patching up his wounds and snacking on cookies, Bo leaves.

"Ready for movie night?" You asks Butch as he nods.

"Always and forever." He says before plopping down on the couch next to you.

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