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Chapter 2: With Every Beginning Comes Another ... Fight.

The sun greeted us at the windows, putting a beautiful glow into the room. The saliva dripping onto the passed out Fox Sins' jawline , Hawk's bright eyes gaining a healthy twinkle and highlighting Meliodas' sword.

King murmured softly into Diane's cheek, causing her full face to light up in delight which received a jealous chuckle from Howzer in the corner who had been previously gazing lovingly out of the window.

As usual, everyone had drank too much and it was up to the remaining ones to clear it up- not including Merlin, who had previously given a moving speech of.. disapproval.

'Hey, Y/N' A deep voice growled from beneath my feet, causing a grin to spread across my face instantly.

'Heya, Foxy. How is the hangover?' I chuckled, running a hand through the icy blue hair before he quickly batted me away with yet another moan.

'Shut it, Will you?'

'Make me' I whispered, laying across the nearby desk seductively, my black hair working perfectly in contrast with the new white table cloths Elizabeth had insisted on 'You know you want to'.

As expected, Ban furiously shoved me off the table and stormed out of the door.

Another day, another sin.

Ban's Bitch. *SEVEN DEADLY SINS*Where stories live. Discover now