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*Alec's, p.o.v*
Quickly, I shove the thought of Grayson into the back of my mind and try to focus on what I should be...getting home in time. I rush out of the school doors, wishing I could stay forever,  because I know what's waiting for me at home, isn't good. I run out of the school and immediately feel the blistering sun on my covered arms. "Hopefully this heat will keep them away" I think aloud only to hear eight feet quicken their pace to try and catch me. Knowing this time it definitely was my bullies, I try and out run them just to hear all four of them getting closer by the second. I look back, knowing I shouldn't,  to see them a good distance behind me. I could outrun them! I turn back around just to trip over the sidewalk. "uh" I groan trying to get up only to get thrown down again by a pair of huge hands. "aww looks like you already started our job for us" Jack chuckled. Jack was one of my main bullies,  he's never missed one school day so this means I've never missed one either. I wouldn't ever want to know how that would end. I mentally prepare myself for what was to come, telling my self the usual white lies like,  " it's gonna get better soon" and "maybe it wont hurt as bad as yesterday" but somehow they always made it so it hurt so much worse the next day.
-------------six minutes later-------------
I wake up laying on the sidewalk dreading to move, knowing I'm bruised almost everywhere. My bullies are long gone by now. I know this because as Soon as I  pass out they leave like they did nothing wrong,  or like I'm nothing to the world. I slowly sit up feeling nothing but pain in my stomach and face. This was far from bad because the next move was even harder. I try to stand up knowing I'm now extremely late. When I finally am standing well enough too walk, or...limp I start making my way home knowing what's there is not good. After seven agonizing minutes I arrive at my door step hesitant to step inside. My house was well cleaned, white, and just average from the outside. Any speculator might think the perfect family lived in this house, well, those speculators are extremely wrong. I finally gain enough courage to step into my house quietly as I could since I had nothing to cover up my bruises and cuts up with.  As soon as I do a strong scent of hard liquor and cigarettes fills my lungs and I cough. It hurts so bad, but I'm not worried about that at the moment. As soon as I cough I hear the sound of feet stomping down the stairs. "Oh no..no..no" I think to myself as I am faced with my very disorganized mother. "AND WHY....WHY ARE...YOU..YOU...L-LATE" my mother shrieks slurring her words due to the drunk state she was in. "I-i..." Was all I was able to say. "Well, well, well looks like my worthless daughter can't even speak for herself now. Huh?" My mother spits out like burning acid, and lemme tell you it did burn..bad. This all started about 3 years ago when I wasn't shy,  and I wasn't bullied. It all started when I lost my one and only true friend...My sister. My sister died of,  well we don't know what she died of.  The doctors said she had, secret conditions.  Whatever that meant.  After her death my father died as well from alcohol poisoning. As for my mother,  well she does everything from drinking to doing cocaine. Everyday it sickens me. Thank god today she was only drunk. "GO TO YOUR F*UCKING ROOM! I CAN'T LOOK AT YOU! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" My mom screams.  She throws these words at me all the time.  I refuse to believe these words. With tears in my eyes and hurting everywhere I try to walk normally up the stairs. I achieve this with few groans. Once I get to my room and shut my door I slide down my wall and hysterically start crying screaming into the pillow I keep near for this very reason. I violently start shaking but am calmed down by a vibrating sensation on my back. My phone was blowing up.

ɦǟ ɦǟ ċʟɨʄʄ ɦǟռɢɛʀ!!! ɨ ʟօʋɛ ʏօʊ ǟʟʟ!! օɦ ǟռɖ...  ɦɨɨɨɨɨɨ ֆօʄɨǟ!!

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