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*Nya's pov*(Alec's sister)
When I saw that Alec was at the hospital, I knew our mother wasn't going to show up so I had to give up the secret to save my sister. I didn't die,obviously, and I didn't have any secret conditions either. Three years ago I found out I, in fact, did have cancer. I then payed the hospital to let my family know I had some "secret conditions" I also did the horrid thing of making my own family think I died. I made my family think I left this earth and abandoned them. But I did worse. I, in fact, didn't leave this earth but still abandoned them like a coward, afraid one day they might wake up to me not breathing. I thought doing this was a good idea. I was in 8th grade and thought I was mature enough to live on my own. I was. I graduated highschool 3 years early and was the head scientist of the state. I created a cure for cancer. Now that Im cancer free,  I can go on living knowing I won't be a burden to my own sister. That is, if she takes me back.

*Grays pov*
I am completely dumbfounded. Nya was dead but she stood right in front of me. I see her sobbing while rubbing Alec's arm. Alec fell unconscious, a couple minutes after Nya came in, from hyperventilating. I pulled an equally shook Ethan closer to me and whispered "we should probably give them privacy when she wakes up...". Ethan nodded his head in agreement, and I wrote a note to Alec:
Hi I hope you had a great sleep!!Ethan and I left to give you some space...if you need ANYTHING  don't hesitate to hmu beautiful. ;)❤
After I write the note I lead Ethan out of Alec's room, into the waiting room, and out the doors into my car. While I drive home Ethan stays silent, and so do I. We arrive home and say a quick goodnight to each other before walking into our separate rooms and falling asleep,  knowing we were both thinking about the same girl.

*Alec's pov"
My eyes flutter open from a light tingling sensation on my arm. I hear quiet controlled sobs and look up expecting to lock eyes with Ethan or Grayson but instead I see a reflection of myself,  the one I've missed for three years and counting. "Nya?" I whisper my voice already failing. With a slightly broken smile she lightly caresses my cheek and whispers "I'm so sorry alec... I'll never leave you again. I'm here for good... To take care of you. " I didn't say anything back... I didn't know what to say so I just pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her and cried and cried we stayed like this all night. She told me why she left and how she made it happen. I couldn't tell her she was the reason I was bullied so I kept the reason why I was in the hospital pretty vague.

*still Alec's pov*
It's now 5 am and Nya was on the other side of the room laughing at something I had said like 7 minutes ago... That's what I loved most about her, her humor. Once she had stopped laughing she got up and stood at the table at my bedside. She slid me a sarcastic questioning glance and slipped a piece of paper into her fingers. "ooo what's this?" she held out each and every word mockingly. She placed it in front of my face but only long enough to let me see who it was from;Grayson. My face immediately got red knowing the note was going to be cute. He's so much more confident when writing. Once Nya took the note away from my face she read it... Aloud.
"Hi I hope you had a great sleep!!Ethan and I left to give you some space...if you need ANYTHING  don't hesitate to hmu beautiful. ;)❤    aww how cuuutttteeee my sister has a lover boooyyyy!!!" I laughed and blushed... "Nuh-uh" I squeal trying to cover my blush but horribly fail. "Aww no it's cute... I'm gonna call them. I wanna meet them!!" She snatches my phone and walk outside with it.  She comes back in and just says "5 minutes!!" I just laugh and try to hide my blush to the best of my abilities.

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