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"Where the hell have you been" my mom repeats growling. Her breath smells like alcohol and other things of the sort. Her breath is staggered and hitches every other second. It scared me to see my mother like this.  The mother that once loved me is gone. She's not even my mother anymore, she's my bully.
"Who were those boys huh?" she spits in my face. "Your a disgrace I can't believe your my daughter. You. Are. Worthless. " Her hot breath comes closer and closer to my face, while her grip on my hair gets stronger.  She lifts me up to my feet and drops me down on the porch railing. I feel my head pounding and I know its bleeding. 
"P-please stop.  P-please" I plead but it's no use. "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ALEC!!" she screams at me her posture becomes scarily disfigured and I immediately regret begging now.  Before I know it my own mother is straddling me and fighting me. She's the only one fighting. 
I hear a cars brakes screech to a halt and a girl's gasp.  Heels clicking up my driveway make me confused and desperate... Too desperate.  "H-help, Please please help" I beg to whoever was coming up my driveway.  "Get off of her you crazy freaking physco" I hear and see a dirty blonde haired girls fist come in contact with my mother's temple knocking her out cold.  She cups my cheeks with her hands and gasps.

*Cameron's pov* (common don't act like you didn't know it was her!)
My heart sunk as I see this poor girl abused by what it looks like her own mother.  In front of everyone. Like... Like she was proud of what she was doing.  "Ethan, grayson bring her to the car I'll fix her up later.  I need to do something. " I smirk while bringing the unconscious body inside the house.  I sit her on a dining  chair and tape her into it making sure she faces her dinner table. I search for any drug I could find.  Since that's all her breath reeked of I knew they were in here somewhere.  I walk past the table and into what looks like a master bathroom. In the med cabinet I find different kinds of disgusting things that ranged from cigarettes to cocaine. I walk back into the kitchen and neatly place all of the drugs on the table.  I place them so there just out of the physco's reach. I grab water and dry ramen noodles from the pantry and place them in her reach.   (where the f*ck did I get that from ) I write a note simply saying "you regret it yet?;)" and with that I walk out.  My heels sing down the cement with every step I take.
I step into Ethan's range rover and see Grayson's and Ethan's eyes filled with worry staring straight ahead not wanting to talk about it.  The ride back was silence until Ethan's voice broke it. "Cam?" He says lazily. "hmm?" I hum back to ensure I heard him.  "What did you do to her mom?" I hear the smirk in his voice, so I know that he's aware I did something out of spite. "You'll see" I reply with a devil grin.

-----------------10 mins later ---------------
*Grayson's pov*
"ahh" alec whines from the other room and I feel extremely horrible. Why didn't she tell me something was going on. She's in good hands though; cams training to be a nurse.
Me and Ethan are sitting on cams couch while the two girls were in the bathroom where cam keeps all of her "supplies".
  A few minutes passed bye in complete silence until the sound of a door creaking breaks it. Alec comes out flushed and crying.  She has a small cast like brace on her wrist and stitches in her head. Cam follows her out and immediately starts talking. "She has a broken wrist and minor head trauma." she states walking us to the door.  "I suggest looking after her for at least 2 weeks.  She can't be on her own... Especially at a time like this."

WELL HALO THERE MA FRIENDS. Thank you for reading this I greatly appreciate it.  Also who knew cam could be such a badass I actually didnt expect that and that's saying something cause I'M the writer... ( CaUsE Im ThE wRiTeR... BlAh bLaH BlAh )😫😫

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