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*Ethan's pov*
"Are you actually serious dude?" I manage to get out without freaking.  Grayson, seeing how irritated I was with his remark,  spoke up; "Ethan I know what I was supposed to get out of that... I am truly shocked in ways I can't put to words.  But i-i" The sound of the heavy metal hospital doors being shoved open abruptly interrupted him from speaking. I hear the click of heels on the hospitals hard floor and a voice scream frantically "Alec?!! Where's alec?!!"

*Alec's pov*
My whole body is numb... The pain killers the nurse gave me worked too well.  The Doctor still hasn't checked to see if my bones where broken yet.  At least I don't think so. I just woke up and I don't know if anyone's still waiting for me. I can't tell if I've been here for two minutes or two days. I spend time thinking about how long I've been roting away in this hospital. Probably for quite a while. After a few minutes my thought is disrupted by a frantic voice; "Alec!?? Where's Alec?!!" Hearing that voice, the panic and care in her voice. I knew who it was. My mind races as my vision gets blurry from the tears streaming down my face. It couldn't be... Alec stop this isn't good to think about.  I say to myself trying to calm down. "It had to be i-" I was pushed out of my own thoughts and slammed into the wall,  I know as a mental breakdown, by someone stepping in the room tears flooding her eyes much similar to mine. My body starts violently shaking not believing what I'm currently seeing. "I-it.. W-why..." I choke on my words while trying to understand the situation I was in. Pretty soon Ethan an grayson were in the room too.  My three only friends. Grayson, ethan, and my sister.

What did I do that yep I did...  Deal with it. Ohhhhh lol jk I love u guys thanks for reading this trash(also sorry for the short chapter)

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