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*Gray's p.o.v*
I begin to feel overloaded with pressure and fly out of the old music room to the men's bathroom. OK OK grayson calm down. My breathing is unsteady and I'm shaking like crazy. I was furious. But not at alec.  As I realized why I was angry I reached for the bathroom door and flew down the hall.

*Alec's p.o.v*
I sit in the middle of the floor crying quite loudly, not caring if anyone heard. And to think I thought I could have had a friend...why am I so incapable of being liked? I accidentally make myself sob harder. My sobbing stops as soon as I feel a sharp sting across my left cheek. I look up to see the one-and-only Jack. "Why are you crying you dumb..." his voice trails off for a second pretending to think "what are you again...oh yeah... how could I forget?Your nothing." He states this just as easily as he does every week, everyday, this is my life... Am I nothing? I don't have much time to think because Jack continues beating me. "Don't EVER think you can be near my friends again!!" Oh no...No no no no. He found out.. Tears start streaming down my face again not wanting to imagine how bad this was gonna be...

*Gray's p.o.v*
I run past the old music room door only to hear muffled sobs. Rethinking I decide to go back to Alec and apologize for being an ass. "I probably hurt her really bad... And after she told me her life was a living hell...I probably just made it worse by leaving her like that." These we're all the thoughts flowing through my over used mind, before I opened the door. After I opened the heavy door to the music room I didn't think anymore, I couldn't. I just acted.

*Alex's p.o.v*
"I'm s-sorry ok...please stop!!" I cry out in pain from even speaking. Jack just continues to slap and kick me even harder than before. My sobs come out as muffled because my sweatshirt was covering my mouth so he didn't punch me in the teeth. He rears up his arm his fist in a ball, getting ready for his last hit;the worst one. As soon as his fist hits my temple the door flies open and a tall figure rushes into the room. I can't see anything except shadows because of the force Jack  put into the last punch. Even though I couldn't see I knew who came in by his voice. Grayson.

*Grayson's p.o.v*
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" I screamed.It wasn't even a fight. I reared my arm up and punched him in the jaw and he was out cold. Much like Alec. Her eyes closed seconds before Jack's. She had bruises all over body and one on her temple. I needed to take her to the hospital. I gently swoop her into my arms and mom-walk down the hallway yo Ethan's class. Ethan has a study hall so it will be pretty easy to get him out of there.

*Ethan's p.o.v*
"Hufffff" I sigh bored out of my mind. ( Not for long ;)) I was in the lunch room study hall where only the lunch workers look after you and let you do almost anything. While that may sound fun for most it wasn't for me because I forgot all of my stuff in Gray's car and wasn't allowed to leave the cafeteria unless there was an emergency. "ETHAN!" I hear Grayson say, not yet knowing where or why he's here, I turn around to see Gray with the mystery girl from the janitors closet,unconscious in his arms. My eyes go wide and I turn to question the lunch lady. She just nods signaling I can leave with them. "Grayson?! What the hell happened to her? Did yo-" I say getting cut off by my younger brothers own voice. "No you idiot I didn't but you won't believe who did... Wait till we get to the hospital" After we got out of the school doors we ran up to the car and strap her into Gray's car. We both get in and speed out of the parking lot.

Why HALO THERE!!! I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and reading This I appreciate it so much!! My messages are always open if you want to talk or if your having trouble understanding the book!! Thank you so much!!! ( Hi Gabby!!)

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