Welcome Home

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(After Red Velvet had finished performing in Dallas,we had to go to a different Red Mare locations:Miami,Chicago and Newark.They finished performing and spending every single moments with their fans in the US.When we arrived to New Ark's airport,we checked in and went to find our seats.After finding our seats,I was wondering if Wendy is okay because we are heading to Canada.I tried searching for Wendy,later on I spotted Wendy.Wendy looked so nervous.Wendy tried to calm down but she couldn't because it has been years since she has been home.)

/Time skips/

(Red Velvet had arrived at Canada.They see fans waiting for them as usual.Later on,they grabbed their luggage and began walking out towards the exit.)

Reveluv#1:"Welcome home Wendy!"


(Wendy and Red Velvet waved at the fans.After interacting with the fans,we head to the hotel.Same routine as the previous Red Mare Tours:practice,interviews then finally,perform and spend time with their reveluvs.After they been interviewed by one of the news reporters.They headed back to the back of the stage.While they were at the back of the stage,you can tell that Wendy was still nervous.I decided to walk towards to Wendy.)

You:"Wendy,are you still nervous?"

Wendy:"Yes,of course I am!It been so long since I been home.When I mean"home",I mean like my actual"Home" here in Toronto. "

(I patted Wendy's back.)

You:"It's okay.It's normal for people reacting like that type of way." 

Wendy:"I guess you're right."

(We smiled at each other.)

/Time skips/

(I was walking around in the back stage while they were practicing.Then,I spotted Mr.Kim.)

You:"Oh,Mr.Kim,where were you?"

(Mr.Kim looked upset and disappointed.)

You:"What's wrong?"

Mr.Kim:"Wendy's birthday is in two more days."


(He nodded.)

You:"What's the problem?"

Mr.Kim:"For some reason,CEO don't want the fans to sing happy birthday to her."

You:"But that's insane."

Mr.Kim:"I know.I have to tell Irene,before the performance starts."

(When he was about to walk away from me,I quickly grabbed his arm.)

You:"You can't do this to Wendy.This  is her hometown.Today is her special day.Today is the day she finally is home.We can't ruin this for her."

(Mr.Kim turned his head and glance at me.)

Mr.Kim:"Y/n,don't you think I know that?I don't want to do this either.I never had intention to do this.But I had no choice okay?I understand how you feel about this.Why does it have to be Wendy who receive this type of restriction?Am I right? "

(I became upset and he removed his arm from my grip.)

Your Mind:"This is so messed up.."

(I tried to calm down before I went to Red Velvet.)

/Time skips/

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now