Chapter 12: The Clap Back (Kelci)

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"Thanks for offering to help," I told Taylor as I tip-toed on the step stool to pin the pale blue bed sheet to the wall of my bedroom.

"No problem," Taylor said. "I just wanted to hear about what happened in drama class."

"How did you hear about that?"

"The whole school is Tweeting about 'Kelci Martin's Ultimate Clap Back.'" Taylor laughed accenting the statement with air quotes.

"Really?" I can't believe how childish some people are. I finished pinning the cloth and stepped back to observe the lighting in the room. I had until 8PM to submit her self-tape audition to the casting director in Los Angeles. I didn't not have time to worry about what fake people are saying about me on social media.

I adjusted the camera on the tripod, and made Taylor stand in the shot to see how the lighting in the bedroom was working. It wasn't great, but after a few minor adjustments, I decided it would have to do.

I had turned down several auditions in the past few months while Mom recovered. But this time, my mom insisted that I send this one in. Her surgery recovery went well, but Mom was struggling with the side effects of the chemo. The nausea and fatigue made her weak most days, there's no way I could leave her home alone. I missed a lot of school caring for her, and I did not mind at all. I could do most assignments online anyway. And of course, my teachers understood. But with the opening night of Guys & Dolls approaching, I tried to be in school as much as possible. And since Lorin acted like she couldn't be bothered, I was beginning to feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. So yea, maybe I was a little snappy earlier at school.

"Apparently, Jessica thought since I was out for a few days that she would be taking my place as Adelaide in the musical. So, she started running her mouth during rehearsals yesterday and Mr. Merkel shut her down," I explained.

"I love him," Taylor smiled.

"Anyway, today she says 'Heard you had to sleep with the director to get a part in a crappy student film. How'd you manage to land this role is beyond me, since Mr. Merkel doesn't do girls.'"

"Seriously? #JealousMuch," Taylor rolled her eyes.

"That's what I should have said," I admitted.

"What did you say?"

"I looked over my shoulder like I couldn't be bothered and said, 'Must be all that practice I'm getting auditioning for Hollywood casting directors,' and then I walked away." I know it was petty, but she was pissing me off.

"You are my hero!" Taylor bowed at my feet. "Alright so tell me what I need to do here." She tiptoed around the video equipment like she was walking on egg shells.

"I need you to zoom in on just my head and shoulders, like a headshot, while I slate."

"I have no idea what you just said."

"Focus the camera from here up." I drew an imaginary line across my chest.

"Why isn't Lorin helping you with this? She's much better at this camera stuff than I am."

"Lorin," I drew in an exasperated breath, "is busy."

"Ok then." Taylor threw her hands up in the air and took her place behind the camera.

She proved to be a much better camera tech than she gave her credit for, especially since she had to be my reader as well. After a few takes, I was satisfied and we went downstairs for a snack while we edited the video.

The doorbell rang, and I went to answer it, leaving Taylor to order the pizza.

"Mr. Merkel. What are you doing here?" I didn't want to be rude, so she invited him in.

"I promised to bring your mom some Cannabis therapy." He smiled patting his jacket pocket.

"Robert, hey," Mom called, shuffling into the kitchen. She grabbed Mr. Merkel's elbow and led him to the back patio.

Robert? Taylor mouthed dramatically.

When they were out of ear shot I turned to Taylor, "Cannabis therapy?"

"You know, weed...grass...mj..." Taylor put her hand to her lips like she was smoking a joint.

"Okay, okay. I get it." I slapped her hand down. She went over to the window overlooking the backyard. There was my mom lighting up a blunt with my drama teacher like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"I heard it helps with the nausea," Taylor offered.

"Yea, but he's my teacher!" My hushed voice squeaked as I ducked so they wouldn't see me spying.

"Dude, Mr. Merk is not your average teacher," Taylor pointed out.

I poked my head in the window one more time when I heard my mom's lively laughter. I hadn't heard that sweet sound in months.

I finally submitted the video just before the deadline at midnight. I had completed the edits long before Taylor went home, but I just wasn't sure if I was ready to put myself in that ring. What if they wanted to do a call-back out of state? Surely production would be held in LA. I hated the idea of getting that far only to have to back out because I couldn't travel. Cancelling would make me look bad to others in the industry, but I promised Mom I'd do it. So, I clicked send, and went to bed.

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