Chapter 26: The Edge of Everything (Kelci)

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One of the perks of not having a job was that I had more time to see Remi. His dorm room was not much neater than his bedroom at home, but at least we had more privacy. Remi would literally pay his roommate to get lost for a few hours. Remi tossed dirty clothes from his bed into the far corner of the room knocking over a collection of half empty Gatorade bottles. 

"I love what you've done with the place," I said, picking up a box of crackers and placing it on the desk. 

"Sorry. My roommate is a pig." Remi grinned advancing toward me with that mischievous look in his eye.

"Please. I've seen your room back home." I laughed pulling him over to me as we tumbled onto his lumpy bed.

Remi braced himself over me like a bridge and let out a delighted groan. When he kissed my neck, I giggled and moaned much to my embarrassment. I couldn't help it, every inch of my body, inside and out, tingled. He discovered this sweet spot of mine the last few times we had been alone together. I inhaled deeply as he moved along to the other side my of neck, stopping to kiss my mouth along the way. His hands slipped beneath my shirt unhooking my bra with surprising deft. I loved when he explored my body with his gentle hands, and soft lips.

Remi had always been sweet and patient, but I felt his excitement rising and pressing against my thigh. I reached down and touched him to let him know it was okay. He responded with a groan of pleasure, and unzipped his pants giving me full access. Without even thinking, I went down on him like it was the most natural thing in the world.

When I came back up for a kiss he whispered, "You are amazing."

"Yeah?" That was all I could say before his hand reached into my pants. I tensed up a little, but only because I had never been touched like that before. It was nice. 

"I'm sorry." He retracted his hand.

"It's okay," I said, and guided his hand back to where I wanted it. Relaxing into his arms, I experienced a pleasure that left me breathless and wanting more.


At home the next day, I wondered if what I did with Remi the night before could be seen by the look on my face. Inside I felt so relaxed and peaceful, while my life on the outside was uncertain and a bit off kilter. The only way to know for sure was to walk into the living room where my mom and sister, the two most perceptive people in the world, awaited. I decided to play it super casual heading to the coffee pot before joining Lorin on the sofa.

"How was the open mic night?" I asked.

Lorin had a crazy smile on her face, and I figured something was up.

"Apparently, I was dope," Lorin said. She and Mom laughed like it was some sort of inside joke.

"What?" I said. I felt bad for not being there for her big night, but I had dinner with the cast to celebrate wrapping on Jaded. After which, I went over to Remi's dorm for some cheering up.

"I think I joined a band," Lorin said.


"How was the wrap party?" mom asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," I told her. 

"Well, at least you will have more time for Remi now," Lorin said. I gave her the side eye. Did she know? "What? You used to complain about not ever getting to see him while you were working. Problem solved."

"Problem not solved. If I don't get another job soon we will all be back in Indiana. Bye-bye Hollywood. Bye-bye Remi. Bye-bye band."

"That's not going to happen," mom said. "You have a couple of auditions lined up for next week."

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