Chapter 14: Miracles Both Big and Small (Lorin)

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The sweet bubbles of the Dr. Pepper tickled my throat. I waited patiently as Mom and Kelci went on and on about how happy they were that Adrian and I came to celebrate with them. I tapped on Adrian's arm to tell him to put his phone away. He had been unusually distracted this evening, and I tried not to be annoyed with him.

Adrian relaxed when the pizza arrived at the table. Mom, Kelci, and I always gathered at Maia's Pizza Pie-A for any, and every, special occasion. Maia's did not serve ordinary greasy cardboard pizza. Maia made the dough from scratch every morning tossing it in the air like her grandfather taught her back home in Italy. The smell of oregano and melted cheese, and the friendly chatter of the staff in the open kitchen felt like home. Our little family's best memories often centered around a warm pizza in our favorite booth near the front window at Maia's.

"You're in for a real treat," Mom said to Adrian as he bit into a steamy slice of pepperoni and mushroom pizza.

Adrian nodded and gave her a thumbs up. He hadn't said much since we arrived. He was not usually so anxious around new people. I couldn't figure what was going on with him lately.

"It's great to finally meet you," Mom said to Adrian.

"Yea. Lorin brags about you constantly," Kelci added smirking.

Adrian blushed slightly, catching a string of cheese dangling from his chin.

"He's amazing," I said wiping sauce from the corner of his perfect mouth.

"I couldn't miss a chance to meet the amazing woman who kicked cancer's ass," he said raising his glass to toast Mom.

"To kicking cancer's ass," I proclaimed raising my own glass to Adrian's.

Kelci and Mom joined in clinking their glasses with ours.

"Honestly, the chemo nearly kicked my ass," Mom admitted. "But I'm feeling pretty good these days."

"Thank god for Mr. Merkel's miracle grass," Kelci nudged Mom.

"Kelci!" Mom shushed her playfully. "I told you not to tell anyone about that."

Their laughter lifted any remnants of pent-up anxiety as it rose to mix with the fresh baked aromas, and blended with the chatters of the kitchen crew and other families celebrating birthdays, recitals, championships, and miracles both big and small.

"Okay, I can't hold it in any longer," Mom said placing an envelope on the table in front of Kelci.

"What's this?" Kelci's eyes smiled excitedly.

"Open it."

Kelci pulled out two plane tickets. I looked at Mom, puzzled.

"What's this?" Kelci asked.

Before Kelci could read the destination, I snatched one of the tickets.

"LA?" Kelci squealed, reading the remaining ticket in her hand.

"What the hell Mom?" I asked.

"The producers of Jaded are flying you out for a live call back audition," Mom announced, ignoring the disapproval on my face.

"No way!" Kelci's jaw dropped.

"Jaded? Is that the legal drama on Fox?" Adrian asked.

"Yes," Kelci said shaking her head in disbelief. "Mom when did you talk to Cassidy?"

"She called last night. I told her I wanted to be the one to tell you. She sent the tickets over this morning."

I blinked rapidly trying to figure out what the actual hell was happening.

"Cassidy is her agent," Mom explained to explained as if I were completely clueless.

"I know that," I said flatly. "This is next week," I said reading the ticket again. "Mom you are not ready to travel yet."

"Says who?" Mom smiled at Kelci to reassure her. "I already cleared it with my doctor."

"Awesome!" Kelci exclaimed. "I need to call Taylor," she said scooting out of the booth.

"So, what's the role?" Adrian asked. I shot him a pair of eyes. Don't encourage this, the look said.

"The character is named Miranda. She's the best friend of Jade's daughter, Sloane," Mom said.

I looked back and forth between my mom and Adrian. Only a few months ago, her mom was fighting cancer, and now she wants to fly across the country to chase Kelci's stupid childish dream.

"No," I finally said out loud.

"What do you mean, no?" Mom asked.

"I mean no, you're not going," I said.

"Honey," Adrian warned gently. His hand rested on my leg, willing me to hold my tongue. I removed his hand forcefully, tugged on my shirt, and sat up taller.

"Of course, we're going," Mom said. "Your sister has the opportunity to work on a successful show with well-known actors and directors. Jobs like this don't come around every day."

"Mom, you're sick," I explained.

"I told you, I'm fine. Isn't that what we are celebrating tonight?"

"I don't know, is it really?"

I glared at Mom. Adrian cleared his throat to ease the tension.

"I don't know why you get like this," Mom said, her voice cracking. She wiped at the tear growing in her eye.

"I don't know why you worship the ground she walks on," I spat. At the end of the day, everything always centered around Kelci. Always has. And I know why. She's the easy one. The daughter who never stared down her mom. The one whose smile would light up a room. I didn't blame her, but that didn't mean I wasn't annoyed by her either.

"Lorin you know that's not true," Mom said.

"It is, Mom. It is so true that you are willing to ignore your own well-being to give her whatever she wants."

"That is not what this is about, and you know it."

"Well then what is it about, Mom?" I challenged, my voice growing louder attracting the attention of the guests at neighboring tables.

Mom signed deeply and wiped away another tear. As Kelci made her way back to the table, Adrian took my hand and pulled me gently from the booth. "Let's take a walk and get some air," he suggested leading me through the maze of tables in the crowded restaurant.

"Are you okay?" Adrian asked when we stepped outside. The wet street reflected the lights of cars passing by. His breath puffed white clouds into the cold air.

"I'm just concerned," I said. I stuffed my hands in my coat and began pacing along the sidewalk.

"About your mom?"

"Yes," I said. I stopped pacing and sat down next to Adrian on the wooden bench outside the restaurant. Together we watched the dust-like snow that had begun to fall.

"Are you sure that's all?" Adrian pressed gently.

"I'm pissed too."


"Because everything is always about Kelci. Even when she isn't trying, she steals the thunder from everyone else around her. It's so frustrating."

"I'm sorry, honey," he said, taking my hand in his and kissing it gently.

"I had some exciting news to celebrate as well tonight," I continued.

"Really? Let's hear it." Adrian tilted his head and smiled at me sweetly. The changing traffic light flashed on his face revealing the softness in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

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