Chapter 21: Working It Out (Lorin)

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Part of me wished I hadn't overheard mom's conversation with Dr. Chio. But I did, and she made me promise not to tell Kelci. I needed to tell someone, though. So first thing in the morning, I called the most recent number on my call list. 

"Adrian." My voice sounded ragged as it echoed over his car's speaker system. "Mom's not doing well."

"What's going on?" 

"I overheard her talking to her doctor on the phone. Apparently, she went in for a scan on Tuesday, and they found more cancer cells."

"She told you this?"

"Yes. I had to force her to tell me by threatening to tell my sister."

"Wait. She doesn't want Kelci to know? Why?"

"Because if she knows Mom is sick, she will not take the job in LA."

"Your mom can't go back to LA if she's still sick," Adrian pointed out. 

"I know. That's what I told her. But she said Dr. Chio is putting her on an oral chemo drug, and referring her to an oncologist in LA."


"I'm going with her to see Dr. Chio today. That's why I'm calling you. I want to be there to ask questions and find out about the treatment. I just don't know how long it will take, and I'm not sure we will be back by the time you get here this evening."

"Actually," Adrian said, "I'll be there in about an hour."


"Yeah, I couldn't sleep, so I packed up and headed out last night."


"Want me to stop and get breakfast?"



As I fussed over my hair in the foggy mirror of the bathroom, so many things turned over and over in my head. Mom was still sick, though she seemed absolutely fine. Kelci got an actual job, and she was only sixteen years old. And Adrian would be here any minute, yet I still had not decided what I was going to say to him.

From the top of the stairs, I heard Kelci squeal, "Oh my god! Adrian?"

"Hey little sister," Adrian said, his voice muffled in a hug.

"Did Lorin know you were coming? Mom, Did you know he was coming?" she asked.

"Of course," mom chuckled.

Adrian held out a take-out bag. "How about some pancakes? I made them myself."


"Got any blueberry?" I asked, entering the kitchen.

"You know it," Adrian said flashing his sweet smile.

He looked so good. Even better than I remembered. His hair was grown out a bit, and he had it brushed up neatly on top of his head like a movie star. He handed me a tray of blueberry pancakes and kissed my cheek. I blushed at the warmth of his lips, and took my breakfast to the table to join Kelci and mom. Adrian placed a cup of coffee in front of each of us.

"How are my favorite California girls?" he asked.

"Great!" Kelci exclaimed. "I booked the role on Jaded. Can you believe that?"

"Of course you did. There wasn't a doubt in my mind," Adrian said.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, especially with food. But what are you doing here?" Kelci asked, looking curiously between the two of us.

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