8 // Happy Accidents

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This chapter actually has some weird romantic tension stuffs. Idek what to call it but I don't plan to make these scenes that common. Or maybe I will. Who knows.

The dining hall emptys at a rapid rate and I frantically spin around. I know that Akamine brings Aiko into the lunch room to get food, but then quickly leaves, so I'm hoping that she's still in here.

"Come on!" Mina yells at me from the enterence.
"I'll catch up, just go!" I yell back, dismissing her completely.
"Oh for fu-" she cuts herself off and I assume she's left.

People are still running out of the hall and I can't see Aiko or Akamine. I need to find her. I have to make sure she's safe.

"What the hell are you doing?" A random student grabs my arm and pulls me forward. From as far as I can tell they're from an older year. People running past me and getting pulled partially by that student force me into the corridor. I keep getting pushed and shoved into the corridor so there's no way of me going back and finding them.

Someone shoulders me and I stumble into the wall, smacking my arm off of it. I let out a groan and turn so my back is pushed against the wall.

I might be able to stand up in a fight when I have a weapon or I'm focusing on disarming someone, but come down to it, I could easily be physically overpowered. Especially in crowded or overwhelming situations. My quirk goes all over the place and tries to protect me from so many things at once that it gets too much for me. It fails to protect me from anything and just ends up giving me a headache. Whilst I can increase the usage of my quirk, I can never turn it off.

"Hey! Watch where you're go- oof!" A now familiar voice says. Todoroki might seem cold and I appreciate that because he actually fucking is. I rub my head in my hands as I can feel the throbbing worsen.

A sudden warm presence overwhelms me and I look through my hands.
"Dammit. " Todoroki mutters over his shoulder from directly in front of me. I feel like he's saying it whilst trying to spot whoever fell into him. Somehow it seems that he hasn't even noticed I'm here.

He's luckily managed to miss putting his hands on me, thanks quirk, this is when you decide to work? His hands are on either side of me, one by my head and the other by my arm.

He turns away from whoever pushed him, probably to rest his head on the wall or to take a deep breath and is very surprised to see me standing there.

"What the-!?" He's caught very off guard by my presence. Can't really blame him. "When the hell did you get there?"

I process the question he just asked me. "What do you mean when did I get here? I was pushed into the damn wall and you just happened to fall into me but manage not to notice. " My voice is annoyed and strained, the headache kills. My sudden bitchy undertones seems to throw him off. I'm used to taunting at villains but this is the first time I've taunted at him, or any of my new classmates, minus Bakugou. I haven't known them long at all, but I guess I've come across as very passive so far.

"Sorry." I very quietly mutter afterwards, feeling bad because it's not really his fault.

He doesn't say anything, just blankly looks at me. Someone suddenly knocks into him and then they don't seem to move, forcing Todoroki to fall into me more, closing the small gap between us. More people filter into the corridor meaning that there's less space to move.

Our fronts are basically pushed together and the confidence I'd gained from being bitchy quickly leaves and is replaced with pure embarrassment. His arms haven't moved, and I hear a grunt escape him, he's trying his best to keep himself from crushing me, but the amount of people pushing onto him are clearly causing an issue.

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