39 // Friendships Can Make Waves

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Aestethic board do Hara because they're fun to make

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Aestethic board do Hara because they're fun to make. This chapter is not as serious since I've just finished my exams and I feel like giving Hara a break.

Somehow, despite being surrounded by girls that are in swimming costumes, I'm the sluttiest person there. When Mina said they were going to be swimming, I didn't expect the swimming costumes to be so.. proper.

I walked in later than everyone else because I couldn't get Ryu to wake up to give me a lift, meaning I walked in just after Kaminari and Mineta.

"Aw man. Those swimming costumes suck." I hear Mineta quietly mutter. I clear my throat behind the perverted pair and they both instantly turn around, both bright red.

"Oh uh Hara I uh-damn." Kaminari stutters as he turns to face me. I feel my face tint a slight red at the whole "damn" thing though, but who can blame him, I actually look hot today.

Well, I look hotter by comparison anyway. All the girls are wearing full piece body swimsuits whilst I'm just wearing my bandages as a top and high waisted shorts. I often just wear my bandages in warm weather or one on one combat training, so it's not like I'm uncomfortable or anything.

I'm actually quite happy with my body, so if I wasn't so heavily scarred up top, then I'd definitely show a little more skin, but I do, so I'll just have to show off my legs instead.

Along with my summery outfit, I stole a pair of sunglasses out of Ryu's car and I have my hair tied up in a messy bin on top of my head. I actually look cute today.

The sunglasses because Idk how to describe them

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The sunglasses because Idk how to describe them.

"Why aren't you wearing one of those costumes, Hara?" Mineta questions, stepping a little closer then I'd like.

"Because I ain't gonna swim. I'm only here because Mina wanted me to be. I didn't know you'd all be here though." I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah me neither." Kaminari mutters as I put two and two together. They both wanted to see the girls in skimpy outfits and not have the other guys here.

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