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I looked down at the dagger in my hand. The grip fit my hand perfectly and the bronze glowed in the sunlight. On the blade was the name δίδυμος which means girl twin. I looked at Luke and he held a sword that said δίδυμον which I automatically knew as boy twin. The blades matched as well as the hilts. I touched the name and it fell back into a necklace. I looked at Mom and Dad. Dad pulled out his favorite blue pen and took off the cap, then he was holding a bronze sword, much like Luke's.

"Oh! Annabeth! I almost forgot! I made this out of the scraps for you," he said, handing her a gray pen. She looked at him with wide eyes and gave him a hug. She uncapped it and held a dagger like mine. "Leo I can't ever do anything like this for you! I'll do anything for you!" Mom said.

"Well you could let us win in Capture the Flag tonight?" Leo asked.

"Sorry, but that's out of the question," Mom said with a smile, "No one beats me, I always win."

That night, Chiron announced the teams. it would be Athena, Poseidon, Hecate, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus on blue. Ares, Hermes, Iris, Zeus, Dionysus, and Demeter on red. After the rules were explained we suited up in out armour and grabbed our weapons. Mom and Dad led us back into the forest and talked with the Athena kids. An Aphrodite girl took our banner deep into the forest in a clearing, the Hecate kids set up projections of the flag in different areas, Apollo kids went into the trees along the creek with their bow and arrows. That left Athena, Poseidon, and Hephaestus to attack. When everyone was in position the conch horn blew, and the game started.

I crossed the creek with Luke beside me. We darted through trees searching for any signs of red. I slowed to a stop and Luke ran into me almost knocking me down. "Watch where you're going!" I said. I looked around, and there on pile of rocks was there flag. I ran to it with Luke in tow, when from behind the rocks a girl walked around us, circling us like the bull shark I saw earlier. "Two on one, what are you trying to do here?" Luke asked.

" I have a weapon and you don't," she smirked. As if we read each others minds, we pulled out our necklaces, clicked the letters and showed off our blades. She laughed and snapped her fingers. Four more kids jumped out of the trees and formed a circle around us. Luke and I stood back to back when a familiar voice said, "Need some help?"


Thanks for the votes and reads! please keep reading! I'm gonna start asking questions and just answer what you think.

Question: Do you think anyone will die in Blood of Olympus?

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