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I looked at Luke and Brooklyn, standing back to back, just like me and Percy. I smiled and looked at Percy. We had been following them, keeping a safe distance, making sure they stayed out of trouble. Then they met Clarisse's daughter, and I knew we had to step in.

We jumped in and four kids came at us. We backed up against Luke and Brooklyn and fought. I had to hand it to these kids, they knew a thing or to, but Percy and I had more experience and quickly knocked two on the ground. We shifted to where we were directly in front of the flag. "Grab it and run!" I whispered to Brooklyn. She ran cross country and could get the flag past the creek fast enough. She nodded, grabbed the flag, and sprinted through the opening we had made for her.

Clarisse's daughter, Skylar, glanced in Brooklyn's direction and turned to run after her. But Luke sidestepped to block her path. "There's no way your getting past me!" he said. She looked at him for a moment then put down her spear. I looked at Percy, eyebrows raised, and the look on his face clearly said, "Dam! Are you sure that's Clarisse's daughter?" But I saw straight through her plan. Her grandfather might be the god of trickery, but Luke's grandmother was the goddess of wisdom, he saw her plan as well. She tried to dart around him but he sidestepped again, blocking her path. The conch horn blew. Luke smiled as Skylar muttered under her breath, "Punk!" We headed back to the creek and saw the blue team holding Brooklyn on their shoulders. She had a grin from ear to ear and held the know blue flag in her hand. She hopped off their shoulders and ran over to us. We had a family hug then went to our cabins. We slept in the Posiedon cabin because there was more room. As I fell to sleep I knew tomorrow would be eventful, very eventful.


A/N: I said I wasn't going to update but its a weekend and I have no homework so here you go. it's kind of boring but I really need you to tell me what you want to read. I have a good idea for next chapter but I need you to suggest a monster that they need to fight! and please READ ON!!!!

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