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Days passed and we continued training, but one morning, I heard mom and Brooklyn arguing over something.

"Mom," Brooklyn whined, "you promised I could go to the cross country meet!"

"I don't think it's safe," Mom said calmly.

"Come on Mom! Luke, you, and Dad will be there!" Brooklyn answered. Mom rolled her eyes and then replied, "I realize you're as stubborn as your dad so, I guess you can go." Brooklyn wrapped her arms around mom and said, "Thank you Mom! This means a lot to me!"

The track was dirt. It laced through a patch of trees,then behind the bleachers, and back to the starting line. Brooklyn was down at the line talking with her coach. I looked around as we took our seats and my eyes met with a man. He had one blue eye and one brown. He glared at me and I turned away. Poking dad in the shoulder I said, "That man has two different color eyes." He turned his head and his expression darkened. He turned to Mom and then to me and whispered, "Be ready to fight."

One of those eyes had to be fake, they had to! Then, someone explained that three people would run along with the kids to make sure they were safe. That man was one. A string of thoughts crossed my mind but then the shot went off and Brooklyn sprinted, kicking up dust behind her. She was in first but a tall, skinny girl was not far behind. She turned the corner and then, someone screamed.

Mom and Dad jumped out if their seats and ran along the path. I ran after them and caught up just as they were entering the woods. The screaming continued and I ran towards it. It was the tall girl, she was up against a tree with Brooklyn next to her. I walked up to them and asked, "What's going on?" The girls eyes were wide and Brooklyn had her dagger out. "Luke! Duck your head!" Dad screamed. I was smart enough not to turn around and see why so I dropped to the ground and pushed the girl out of the way. Where her head used to be was a dagger with green liquid dripping off the edge. There was a hiss. "Stupid Jackson's!" It was pronounced like Jacque, dripping with a French accent.

Second Generation HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now