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"We will hold a meeting in the usual spot," Chiron announced. "When?" Skylar asked. "Right after everyone is done eating." he said. I started shoveling food in my mouth. I wanted to know what this is was all about.

We gathered around the ping-pong table. All the head counselors where there, plus Arizona, Charlie, and Diamond. "Where's Mr. D?" an Apollo boy named Xavier asked. "He left, we don't know where or why, he just did." Chiron stated. The parents just rolled their eyes. "So lets get to the subject," Chiron said, looking at all of us, "the prophecy." Charlie spoke up,"Well obviously it's me, the twins, Arizona, and Diamond."
"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" Skylar challenged. "We're the second generation, so the seconds, like they said in the prophecy," he shot back. No one disagreed.

"Well, who wants to lead the quest?" Chiron asked. Everyone stared at me. I sighed, "I guess I'll lead." Mom and Dad smiled at me. Chiron nodded, "I suggest you leave at dawn, so go to bed, get a good nights r-"
"Wait!" I cut him off, "What about the other two people in the prophecy?"
"Oh yes! Obviously it's a Demeter child, and a Hermes kid as well."
"Lily," Luke said, his eyes lit up. I nodded, "And Jake." Chiron nodded, "Okay, go tell Lily and Jake," he said to Xavier, "Everyone else, back to your activities, except you," he said, pointing at us.

"I've been hearing some things about this, I didn't believe it until Mr. D disappeared," he said solemnly, then Lily and Jake walked in with a confused expression, "Ah, glad you could join us. Please sit while I explain the rest of the prophecy." Now they looked even more confused, but they sat down anyways. "There has been lots of problems recently in Florida," he said, switching the TV on. It was a news report, "Here we see that all the lights have gone out and there has been 4 wrecks in the past hour." He switched it off, "So you se-" he was interrupted when Skylar barged into the room. "I'm a second generation too. Just cause my mom isn't here right now doesn't mean you can ignore me," she said, glaring at us, "I am supposed to go on this quest." Chiron nodded, "You're correct. I'm sorry you felt forgotten but remember that you aren't, that we care for you." Skylar nodded, "Good, see you in the morning." Chiron looked over at us, "I suggest you go pack, and then join us for dinner and the sing-a-long." We all nodded and went to our separate cabin's to pack for our quest.
After the sing-a-long and dinner, and everyone else went off to their cabins, Mom, Dad, Luke and I sat around the fire. "Do you remember what you guys are named after?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, the battle of the Titans, which happened in Brooklyn, right?" I responded. Mom nodded, "Technically it was Manhattan, but Brooklyn is close enough."
"And I was named after the hero, Luke Castellan," Luke said.
"Wait, Luke was the hero? I thought I was," Dad said with a confused look on his face. Mom rolled her eyes, "Yes, Percy, he was."
"I thought Luke was the traitor who was possessed by Kronos," I said.
"He was, but your mom convinced him that what he was doing was wrong," Dad said, "He only allowed Kronos to be a part of his life because he felt abandoned and un-loved. Remember you are loved, by me, your mom, your grandparents, both godly and mortal." He wrapped his arms around us. "Be safe tomorrow," Mom said, tears brimming her eyes, joining in our hug. We sat like that for a moment before we broke apart. "Get a good nights sleep tonight. You're gonna need it," Dad said, giving us both a quick kiss on the head, "Trust me."

A/N: Sorry for the whole "ending the book" thing. I really will try to keep this going. Thanks darlings!

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