Ignore this too

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Ignore this thing too! I'm gonna recommend some books now.

Legend-by Marie Lu
~I just recently read this and I couldn't put it down! I read it in about 5 hours. It's about a runaway named Day and a prodigy named June, I'm not sure what else to say because its so action packed you just have to read it to understand it.

The Giver Series- by: Lois Lowry
~these books are so good! They're all set from different point of view but they're all connected. Lois Lowry is just a genius! It's located in an abstract world and each book sends you a really deep message.

I Am Number Four Series- by: Pittacus Lore
~this book(s) are probably for more mature readers cause there's minor language. But this kid is an alien and came to earth with eight other special aliens to try to keep their planet alive. Bit they're being hunted by the same aliens that destroyed their planet. These eight aliens are spread all throughout the world and can only be killed in order. The first 3 have been killed, and he is number 4 (dun, dun, dun)

There are so many more thy are great books, but I'll recommend another time.

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